Should I pay the $170 or use my mom's insurance and pay $10?

I go to the doctors today and told her that I've be have sex (with condom) and considered necessary to be on the pill.

So she give me a prescription for Yazmin and i go to my local Walgreens and asked them how much it be to compensate brass and it be 170 dollars or use my mom's insurance (we are joint) and singular repay 10 dollars.

The problem is that my mom doesnt know i am going on the pill and doesn't even know that i am person prescribed for it.

Will she find out on her insurance that i used it to procure the pill?
Should I rate the 170 within dosh?
or freshly budge to Planned Parenthood and attain a not to be disclosed one?

Bikini questionplease oblige!!?

you should speak about your mom. lately regard as if your pills are $170 how will you afford that if thats basically for a month supply! i dont construe you should fiction to your mom but to be secure conceivably you should merely ask her if you can appropriate them for term torment and excessive bleeding. Or conceivably report her nearly the situation and she will get the drift. I wouldnt use her insurance it will show up on a statement and she probably will find out. Just mind and other other use condoms even when on the pill.

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If you don't want your mom to find out walk to planned motherliness. Some insurance co. convey their customers "statements" letting them know how much the insurance rewarded for a unshakable service or product. At the risk of sounding peachy, is nearby a aim you don't want your mom to know? She may be more intellectual capacity than you suggest!!

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Since latest privacy law enjoy be enact, your prescription history should be kept confidential, however some insurance companies transport out statements at the extremity of the year showing how much money the patient(s) save by using their rx program. Ask Walgreen's that this information be protected and run from here. I must read aloud, I am proud of you for individual so responsible and taking thought of yourself this method. I know your mom would to some extent see Yazmin on her bill than the charges of childbirth. You enjoy made an full-grown ruling, you are doing the right entity. Keep up the suitable work!
You and mom should own a heart to heart talk---be honest.

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You don't nouns toooooo infantile, so I won't make available you the sermonize nearly waiting until you're elder.
My direction is turn to planned paternity. You can't afford $170 a month. Even if you could I would right to be heard budge to planned fatherliness and reclaim the money for college. It sounds resembling you know how your mom would counter...why start a big, long collide?
By the approach, I be on Yazmin too, and merely want you to know...after roughly speaking a year I begin to obtain migraine headache on the "past its sell-by date week." I guess it be my body's response to the sudden drop contained by hormone. Anyway, if that happen to you bring back rotten it right away. I be told it is a discouraging sign, something have to do near risk of stroke. Plus is sucked big time.horrible headache every month!
I'm not adage don't appropriate be great for the first year, and not everyone will grasp headache. At lowest it didn't build me corpulent or bitchy.
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