Can being with other girls on their period make you have yours agian?

I already have my extent the commencing of this month and i newly get put money on from military camp, i shared a room beside 4 other girls that be ALL on their length, yesterday I get home and today I started my time of year AGIAN, could that be cause by lifeless out w/ them or what (i usually hold a regular extent once a month) and do you regard it'll ultimate a full 7 days?

Side effect from the Pill?

I regard as you are refering to menstrual synchronization, it is awfully outstandingly adjectives. New research shows that it may be associated to pheromones, although it isn't fully unspoken all the same why it happen.

Is it conventional?

No, outstandingly unlikely.

It have never happen to me.

I tried fingering but it kinda hurted because of my nail. Any tips?

yes nearby are heaps studies of that same effect don't know around down time for you though

How out-of-date should you be to use a tampon?

well my younger sister and her friend have in that first 3 days apart..and i hear it can surface

Why haven't I gotten my time?

I enjoy in reality read in the region of this scheduled! Sometimes females who live together or are close can start to menstruate at impossible to tell apart time. I used to live beside my Mum and this happen to us. There is no method to explain it, it's features of spooky!
Also maintain contained by mind that if you are still in your teens consequently your extent will still be forming it's outline.

Sex hurts my girlfriend?

Yes that can surface. "The most dominating woman of the group"

Have you ever taken Prometrium?

actually yes that could happen to me once,and omg i be FREAKED out but ok it could develop again.i despicable it i Hate me time of year

My extent still isn't regular?

Yes it can.the single style to save it from arranged is birth control because it you enjoy a set date for it to come on.

does birth control pills pass women depreson, and does they fashion women achieve worried almost them self?

Every woman have her own metabolism. So I would say aloud no. I hold hear this formerly but it could be an mature folklore. Trust your own body and not try to compare it to others.

Can this be a problem subsequent?

Not possible.
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