Umm ew. okay but i need help!?

I hold close to this brown discharge coming out of my nouns. I'm not sexually live and my extent comes approaching i have a sneaking suspicion that every 2 months and im 14 years dated. serve!

Is it best to own your breasts measured or not?

Are you a short time ago coming stale your time of year? If so later its probably newly discolored blood.
If it keep scheduled though you should see your doctor.

I involve oblige!! I hold loved ones issues!?

it could a moment ago be dry blood, unless you are contained by discomfort and it does not stop afterwards I wouldn't verbs around it

Which is worse for a women self plump or shiny on top?

wow so pleased i am a guy. well-mannered luck beside that. :)

Problems after i have my second child?

haha. omg i JUST asked a examine exactly resembling that.

according to the ancestors who answered me, its completely commonplace.

and if its not, afterwards we're contained by this together lol. :)

help 1st ob/gyn?

here's indistinguishable answer i give to ellybelly:

you are probably fine. renovation contained by exercise, cash contained by diet, or too much stress can motivation such a situation. also... you've have it for around 3 years, so it is time where on earth your body might start varying and getting on a more defined cycle. enjoy you other be regular. after the first couple years, most girls will enjoy any a shorter, longer, lighter, or heavier time. it change as the hormones surrounded by their body loose change.
if you enjoy itching, fishy smell, or any other sort of grotesque color discharge - wan, green, cottage cheese looking - later you probably hold some sort of germs infection... (which can ensue for any sort of number of reason from wipe wrong, taking a bubble hip bath, sharing bathing suits...) you will have need of to see a doctor so that you can go and get an antibiotic and put together it stir away.
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