Morning after Pill Effects.?

I simply took the morning after pill three hours after have sex and I am awareness buoyant head already and it be just approaching three hours ago since I enjoy taken it. But my verbs is that since it have greatly of hormones surrounded by the pill specifically it going to mete out me to break out?

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mmm I've taken them near no side effects, but try not to lug that it is impressively insecure for a woman, that large dose of hormones can grounds a stroke, brain stroke, blood cloth and plentiful unpardonable things, protect yourself since not after it is better. Pls take heed next to your body, and try not to do it again, lately saty composed and relax surrounded by my experience zilch happen to me.

Good Luck! ;D

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maybe you should verbs smaller number nearly breaking out and more and protecting yourself...plan b is not birth control...start using condoms or take on birth control

Taking pills after intercourse to avoid pregnancy bring change within time time?

The morning after pill is primarily basically a super strong birth control pill. You shouldn't be have sex and doing that anyway, that's freshly wrong. The merely side effects you should enjoy are those you'd enjoy from a birth control pill.

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Due to the large dose of hormones surrounded by the pill, you may break out, but what would be worse, breaking out, or an unwanted pregnancy?

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The largest effect of the morning after pill is nausea, its probably not the pill that is to say cause you to discern hurricane lantern head. It may wreak you to break out as it have the equivalent hormones to almost a month's supply of pills. Next time don't be incautious, use a condom, protect yourself from pregnancy AND STD's and in attendance'll be no verbs nearly breakouts.

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HA HA, are you serious? Your thinking you may hold get impregnate, and your worried going on for breaking out?

WOW, what own our little girls become, YOU MIGHT HAVE A KID IN 9 MONTHS OTHERWISE, can you read those words very soon? As they don't give the impression of being to hold gone through your director up to that time.
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