The male condom failure rate?

So my sources (planned parenthood) narrate me that near typical use, the condom fail 14% of the time. Is this imply that if you own sex 100 times, 14 out of those you'll grasp pregnant. I know the statistics don't apply to everyone, though.

And, Planned Parenthood say that spermicide foams/jellies/films hold a end rate of 26%. So spermicide+condom bomb rate = .14 X .26 = 3.64% haphazard of disappointment. Is that correct math? Would that be what I involve to multiply to find the disaster rate of condoms + spermicides?

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The math is wrong, and the damp squib rates aren't that simple.

During a year of typical condom use, 14 out of 100 women will become pregnant. During a year of ultimate condom use, that number drops to 3 out of 100 women becoming pregnant. Just for the transcript, 21 percent (typical use) and 5 percent (perfect use) of women who use the Reality womanly condom experience an unintended pregnancy in the first year of use.

When trying to construe the efficiency of condoms and other forms of contraception, it is informative to know the definition of "supreme use" and "typical use." "Perfect use" technique that a form of birth control is used consistently and correctly adjectives of the time. "Typical use" technique it is used inconsistently or incorrectly some of the time and consistently and correctly other times.

When using spermicide and condoms TOGETHER, if used correctly, it would with the sole purpose variety sense that the fiasco rate would shift down, not up. Your math would bring in it 364%, not 3.64

EDIT: Lube near a condom is NOT a bleak belief as the poster after me have stated. Using a condom near WATERBASED lubricant is a GOOD IDEA. (Just don't use oilbased or anything that would disrupt the integrity of the condom -- CHECK THE LUBE LABEL) It will do away with friction and friction cause condoms to BREAK which would manifestly increase the risk of pregnancy exponentially...

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Not sure on the math member, but here are a few well-mannered tips - don't buy "cheap" condoms. (meaning don't buy them from somewhere questionable, and if you don't see the factory owner, it may also be a desperate idea). Most condoms come surrounded by a form next to spermicide already contained by it, which make for smaller quantity mess. The lone sure-fire track not to obtain pregnant is absenance, but if you're not up for that, spermicide + condoms is a biddable equation. Good luck!

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I deduce the simply mode to know for sure is to enjoy sex 100 times and see if you terminate up beside 14 babies.

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to be honest if u mix those too, ur bomb rate increases. Because spermcide can also stroke as a lube within some cases, and lube near a condom is a really discouraging thought...

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Looks approaching the math is correct. The statistic specifically more correct 100% of the time is using no protection at adjectives. So, foams, jellies, spermiicide and snow tires adjectives make particularly capably. Not taking the condom past its sell-by date correctly is also wreak for verbs. Make sure you remove and no mistakes -- OK.. What happen to the pill? No sex is 100% protection--OK
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