A Question for who have tried the depo shot?

Ok I hold ask a few Questions About the depo shot on here but heres another one Ok Here it go I own merely be on the shot for around 3 months 1 shot and I hold gain Tons and tons of shipment I be told to make a contribution it another 3 months and I will start to Loose the counterweight Is that true?
And another entity since Ive be On the shot I enjoy gotten Streach results on my stomach Like I hold only have a babe-in-arms its monstrous and No I hold never have a kid But this is grossing me out what can I do to procure rid of them thanks

Ok girls another sex sound out?

I be on Depo shots for a bit more than a year, I did gain some cargo initially, but I lost all of it and consequently some because I be stressed to the max and moving more than I have previously because of a unknown brief. So I am not sure whether the consignment loss is because of the situation or because of the body getting used to the Depo. I have an idea that I gain cargo not simply because of the Depo but also because I be next to a man and have started to chomp through what he ate (and as much as he ate!)

I stipulation to append that I get rotten Depo because when I go on it, I have be recommended to dally for a spell contained by between the shots. That worked capably for the first three times, but until that time the fourth time, it took a month for my time to return. When that finished, it took more than six months for my extent to return. It played havoc next to my hormones. And I wasn't sure whether the Depo was in reality still working during that six months or whether I be unprotected - contained by which defence I still needed to use other forms of contraception - almost a debris of taking Depo in the first place!

In answer to I heart u's comment more or less stretch grades - you can also grasp them if you suddenly GAIN bulk - your skin can't stretch as efficient as the body so it cause stretch results. They do fade to fine silvery lines after a while, but never totally stir away. Although in that are creams on the open market for stretch results, it have be found that they are a complete refuse of your money. SO adjectives you can do is dawdle for them to fade by themselves.

Try not to verbs in the region of the cargo gain. Follow a sensible consumption plan and do some exercise, as you have be back and you should see a slimmer you.

Good luck

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Since you know the risks of immensity gain, you should own taken that into consideration. When I get the shot, I know that alot of women gain immensity. So I started exercising and consumption well again and I havent gain a pound.
Stretch grades are a sign of losing consignment, so you hold gain shipment hence how can you return with stretch grades?

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Please, doesn`t matter what you do, GET OFF OF IT! It can seriously mess your hormones and spell up.

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you will not lose shipment while on depo. my doctor told me that it make your body "think" your pregnant (gaining in stomach...) you should exercise and chomp through right. I be also informed that it have be proven that it cause osteoporosis if you are on it longer than 2 years

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No it is not true, you could gain throughout your entire time of have the shot.

I be on it for four years and would never EVER recommend it to anyone. You are experiencing newly one of abundant denial horrible side affects of the shot.

Google "depo provera lawsuit" and check out the reviews on http://www.rateitall.com
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