I just got my period..?

I simply get my first spell end hours of darkness and i hold be wearing pad adjectives daytime today but in attendance is zilch on them except a moment or two bit of discharge.. Is that run of the mill?


Allergic to Latex?

Yes. Perfectly conventional for your first interval ever. Your cycle will be irregular for awhile until you enjoy have more period and obtain elder. You are trying to start, yes, but keep hold of using the feminine napkins and stuff. that's your time of year and it will come put money on conceivably not tommorrow but it will eventually. trust me

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Sweetie..Its regular your first time.

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That's clearly mundane for your first few period. Your body is doing something up to date and sometimes it's lighter at first. Give it time and don't be worried.

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it is VERY NORMAL to own extremely little discharge and a short length when you first start.

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i basically get mines too almost two night ago.and on that hours of darkness,within be nought really on the wad except for some discharge.but the subsequent morning i be soooo surprised cuz it be coming soooo heavily!!
it sucks:(
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