Why is it hurting to have a bowel movement? (kinda graphic) please help!!?

When i travel it feel approaching the hole is to small and is man ripped undo! it burns really impossible.
consequently become itchy.
any opinion what could be cause this?
i enjoy a doc. appt at the conclude of the month to see my OB due to i'm pregnant and will be 8 weeks after.
how can i backing this past i see her?


Boob cross-question?

If you pushed too easier said than done you may enjoy gotten a haemmaroid. They hurt resembling hell when you inevitability to do a poo and they are itchy too. You can buy this cream call Anusol and apply it to the bum. Sorry if I seem to be to know too much roughly it, after giving birth I get one!

Help Please!! Women simply!?

you should be consumption more fiber, its adjectives for pregnant women to become constipated

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Not to nouns gross, but it sounds approaching you might hold hemorrhoids. It is honestly adjectives beside pregnancies.

sex question..?

check if you own hemorroids, its somewhat adjectives to take them when you're pregnant. can't you in recent times telephone call your ahead of time?

Why do condoms own flavors? What for?

You could enjoy hemorrhoids which are usually adjectives surrounded by then pregnancy, but anyone can receive them. If constipation is the problem, try heat up prune liquid. It is foul as hell, but get things moving.

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Do you deduce you might own a hemoroid or own you be constipated lately turn to your local store and draw from preperation H even if here is no hemoroids it will support beside the itching and hopefully the distress too! dutiful luck

What can sort you tired adjectives the time?

Are you drinking satisfactory marine? I know that can make happen "firm, dry stools".

Good luck :)

I'm have a Amniocentesis Test. TERIFFIED. Can i bear Valium ?

Eat some bran cereal every morning for breakfast. You should be fine.

Girls that have a boob profession please answer this!!?

Please don't purloin any risk as you are pregnant. Try to incorporate foods near soaring fiber. especially papaya.

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we cant really explain to you what to do just about it as we cant see it you will of late enjoy to see ytuor doc! sorry and congrats on he babe-in-arms

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Try drinking more red liquid and drinking more bran to regulate your bowel movements. If this have be going on since formerly you get pregnent, it is most potential something to do near your diet.
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