How many women don't know that the vagina is an orifice?

I only deal near a 22 year infirm feminine forgiving who have no theory that her vagina is an orifice. She be completely perplexed when I suggested applying a medication outside and inside the labia ("lips"). Of course she be sexually susceptible. I'm wondering if nearby are other women out in that who are this misinformed.

having medical issues?

you will be surprised at the number!
simply browse the question within this passage. relatively a few own no conception how one get pregnant, how and when pregnancy test work, what a cycle is, when it comes, and what influences it.

I get my periodI don't know how to speak about my mom!?

Im sure she have nice nail and a mobile phone

when have sex does women bleed?

I don't give attention to it's really nice to fashion fun of women close to that. How would you touch if you be contained by that position?

Itchey ??

What did you meditate that vagina is a nozzle?

Please facilitate me!, I give attention to something is wrong near me!?

Most men do r equally uninformed.

Papsmear vital up to that time losing virginity?

Should you be discussion your patients on here?
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