Does anyone know of the effects of PCOS and metformin?

I own PCOS and have hear that this drug can assistance stratum out the sugers and hear that it could relieve next to immensity loss, if any one could tolerate me know their experience and the dosage. I budge to the doctor tomorrow and plan on asking concerning metformin but basically looked-for some information first.

I be once pregnant and have a miscarriage within Feb 28,07 they did not scratch me presently I'm have stomach twinge?

this website have some perfect information on metformin used to treat PCOS.
Metformin is primarily used for full-grown birth diabetes, it facilitate the verbs of insulin across the cell membrane so your body can burn the food you put away capably. One of the side effects of drinking properly and taking Metformin is gradual counterbalance loss.

im 36 yrs weak and own never have a peroid. why is this?

I enjoy PCOS and took metmorfin. It does not enjoy effect on solidity loss and within reality, I have an divergent effect. I GAINED freight and no I be not drinking more! I do not recommend you run it or any other drug they try to brand name you bear, close to contraceptive pills. You solely mess up your system more. Instead, I recommend you examine your diet. Eat intensely decent, instinctive life foods and excercise. I recommend you read a book by doctor Nancy Dune in the region of PCOS and infetility. If that does not work for you, afterwards you can try drugs.
Good luck.
EDIT: I would hope you try a inherent approach to treatment since jump to steal metmorfin or any other drug.

how do you bring back rid of worms?

Metformin effects EVERYONE differently, so don't permit other population's experiences beside it make you one route or the other.

I hold be diagnosed near PCOS for simply over a year immediately and I hold be on Metformin the entire time. I am also overweight next to anomalous period.

The doctor started me on 2,000 MG of Metformin each day. You own to start bad taking this medication SLOW because in that ARE side effects.

Many women report loose bowel movements, nausea, vomiting, shipment loss (or gain), and extreme tiredness.

When I finally worked my means of access up to 2,000 mg, I suffered from the loose bowel movements (which weren't THAT doomed to failure, but be made worse beside fatty/greasy foods).

I suffered for the first month or two next to nausea, but that go away.

I be EXTREMELY tired for the first 4 months on the medication, but I found that taking a multi B vitamin help TREMENDOUSLY.

I also lost 20 lbs the first MONTH and a HALF that I be on the medication and in the year that I've be on the medication, I've lost a noble total of 40 lbs short any force on my division.

My period enjoy also be much more middle-of-the-road since anyone on Metformin. Even though I've have not so great side effects, I am especially jubilant to be on this medication as I perceive that it help me A LOT.

Personally, I touch that the flawless outweighs the unpromising.

There is a supportive website out in attendance call Soul Cysters. I suggest checking it out. There is a incredibly dutiful message board here next to LOTS of women who will comfort answer any question that you may hold.

I hope that this have help some! Good luck to you!
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