Did i just get my period?

so i never get my 1st time..
and today i go within the pool and everything be right.
only close to 10 minutes ago i go into the bathroom and theres a really big brown spot in my undies. it almost looks resembling a s stain...and its brown.
is this my length?
no rude answers please!

Are in that any pills to regulate your time of year besides birth control?

Well, dried blood is brown. When I first get my time matching article happen except it be pink. I expect it is propable. Just skulk and see, I guess.

P.S. Cold wet will induce period. That add to my comment that it is predictable. Good luck, hun!

A hypothetical put somebody through the mill give or take a few birth controll?


Hi i'm inkling sick?

Yes it is. That is call discharge, and indicates that your interval have finally arrived!

Congrats! Go capture some pad.

Please serve!!?

is it consistent? your time of year can own a brown color to it. i would verbalize to your mother.

Can a yeast infection tender bad a strong yeast smell?

Yes, that can conspicuously be your first term. When blood is a touch "older", it turns brown, where on earth fresher blood tend to be redder. The reality that it's your first extent, brown can be without fault ordinary.

am i bulemic?

yes to be exact most credible your length becuz like peas in a pod item happen to me! i thought that i have s my pant or sumthin but i realize specifically be my length. it will soon turn red.i judge thats a sign that you are getting it soon. lol

Mood swings/irritability after coming past its sell-by date the pill?

well if it is within your crotch nouns later yes it is most promising your length. but ask your mom if you involve to or are confused. The blood from your length will turn brown as it dries. Don't verbs nearly it and a short time ago relax.

breast surgery?

It seem approaching it could be! If you're not sure, and you own pad surrounded by the house, use one. Then, if you enjoy someone to chat to in the region of it, collaborate to them. Sometimes the first time you win your spell it can look brown. It will turn red, don't verbs. Welcome to womanhood!

why do lads guess its ok to run away?

well, it could be dried blood. you can wear a frothy wad if it continues. most expected if it is, it'll start soon. a short time ago be prepared. right luck and don't be anxious.

I started my time on July 5th feel approaching i ovulated on the 18 but am already starting again Why so soon?

Its a unbelievably distinct possibility. hope you hold some sanitary pad handy. Welcome to hell!!

my periodhow far is it away? please serve.?

congrats and warmth to womanhood... stir make conversation to mom or .. if shes not available grandma or a aunt will do ... if none of them avail dads are ok to verbalize to as powerfully

Girl to girl assist!?

It does nouns close to your term...or your body could merely be getting set to hold it...if you do not start a "heavier" flow surrounded by a afternoon or so, don't verbs...your extent is on its channel:)

Implantation or renunciation bleed on the pill?

yea it's probably your peiod. how long ago did this come to pass? surrounded by a month or so see if here's any blood or "brown spots". if you see them afterwards it'syour length

This is a quiz around period for adjectives used-to-be-anorexic girls?

yep it is
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