Hair? please help me!?

ok so i own really small oil lamp hair around my belly button up to my chest. around my chest it looks close to peach fuzz but effective my eblly button it of late looks resembling oil lamp mane.... is this conventional.. im 14 and i wont shave it because that would cause it dark... what if i plucked every peace beside tweezers? what would that do? im street lamp skind... my partially sister is really suntan and have black hackle around her belly tutton.. ive never looked at her chest because thats gross... i dont ever see her and im not going to ask her.. my mom said if i enjoy a problem near it i could in recent times win it wax but im not comfertable witht the approach i look and contained by the summer i budge to alot of party and i ware shorts and a tshirt surrounded by because of the little hair and because i dont similar to the channel i look. im curvy but no ware neer obese. what do i do! is here a wax apparatus i could achieve that i could use by myself? and will it grow final faster by plucking respectively one lol

what make you satisfied when your on your extent?

DONT shave it. Shaving freshly cuts the hair rotten at the skin, it doesnt win the roots. Tweezing it, or wax it is a better means of access to shift. They bring back the roots and adjectives. I make out what your going through, I hold indistinguishable problem. Really its intuitive and piece of life span but if you really dont want it Id try wax or tweezing. Not shaving. If you shave youll be required to maintain up near it everyday too. Waxing and tweezing last longer.

I chew over i own a uti.know any cures?

if you want it gone. carry it wax cuz if you start wax it immediately consequently after a while it won't grow subsidise but you own to bring in sure you maintain wax it

and if you wanna spend some money next achieve lazer pelt removal

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