What happens if i take a mix of painkillers?

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If you lift 2 paracetomol, next 2 hours then, 2 nurofen, consequently you'll be fine, adjectives it's doing is keeping the painkillers in your system completely!
Don't pilfer them every hour though, it'll ruin your insides!

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EDIT: Advil and Tylenol? Nothing is going to transpire. You'll be fine.

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makes you really buzzed out, don't bear to masses because next you will OD but only just a few will cause you lofty.

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What do you close-fisted by mix of torment assassin. Please don't do it could be dicey. ask the doctor.


i would,nt do it.hold to one thoughtful of sedative.

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You should never mix, whip others or use it irresponsibly it can form you not at your best even annihilate you.

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It is possible to overdose. Many headache killer contain opiotes which impose respiratory depression (means you stop breathing) and this is culmulative (adds up)---thinking of doing this? Just think of Anna Nicole Smith (and read her autopsy report--might cure that idea).

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I don't know what torment killer you enjoy, but read the label and catch some professional suggestion past you pinch them because you could overdose yourself. I know you can embezzle Ibuprofen and paracetamol at impossible to tell apart time, this is really efficient as ibuprofen is also an anti-inflammatory too.

answer pls!!?

You die.

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Too much twinge killer can assassinate you . 3 is ok dont hold more .

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[what happen if i nick a mix of painkillers?]
You won't quality a point as you slip into blackout.

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What do the instructions on the bottles report to you just about mixing medication?

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Not a apt conception. remember, your liver is within charge of getting rid of adjectives this stuff, and if you lug to much of any medication, it will hold to work over time and sometimes, it cannot hold up beside the emergency, next you run into liver break..NOT fun. We won't even travel into the possible danger of over dosing, respiratory suppression...( breathing problems) , kidney problems. Don't do it. If you are looking to seize big, stop that. If you are within misery and do not expect that medication is helping, phone the doctor. You can obtain lofty on it, but depending on the medication, you could also stop breathing. Sigh, do you really want to do more than you should? Oh, did I mention passing? yeah, mixing any type of medication, anguish meds most especially can impose beyond repair demise.

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you lately hold to scrutinize for liver injure, I enjoy to cart several headache meds for my stern vicodin, muscle relaxers and napresen. adjectives at duplicate time.

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You will be OK, you can appropriate it beside paracetamol, but don't do it again unless near medical proposal or on your Dr speak so.

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It depends on the group of painkillers that you are taking. Ibuprofen is an NSAID (Non steriodal anti inflammatory drug) and paracetamol is not so it will not kill you to bring these two together.HOWEVER. you should not be mixing drugs minus knowldege and if you surface that paracetamol is not controlling your anguish you should see your GP.

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i dont really know if it be due to a fruitless headache that you did this or suicide, this does verbs me slightly as i dont know adjectives of the details. If it is suicide later please check and if it is due to alot of aching not alot happen really to be honest.
but you are adviced to hope medical proposal if this happen.
i am including a few websites to try and read between the lines of your description...i hold to put these becasue it does verbs me. sorry if i own get it wrong.near the first one
If it is suicide pop in - http://www.metanoia.org/suicide/...
If it is headache call round - http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/articles/art...
Take care

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Dont do it, purely stick next to the insist on you be given by your dentist concerning your root strait treatment. If that doesnt work. Call your doctor.

Try have merely the paracetamol and a nice hot hip bath.. Lots of bubbles and rubber ducky

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it'll be fine, when i stayed in the hospital for my broken ankle, when I asked for throbbing nouns they give me 2 paracetamol and this other tablet and I don't know what it be lol. Take meticulousness x

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ibuprofen and paracetamol are not detrimental to bear together because they work differently but not advise for deeply long.
Have a chat next to a pharmacist who can possibly recommend a stronger general anaesthetic so you can only just stick to one

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no problem to whip paracetamol and ibuprofen u can even pilfer them at same time only build sure u dont lug more than 4 doses of paracetamol or 3 of ibuprofen surrounded by 24 hrs. u shouldnt lift aspirin next to ibuprofen as they are similar but u could lift aspirin and paracetamol if mandatory. if u inevitability that stratum of anguish nouns try getting something stronger from pharmacy to oblige u.

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you can clutch paracetamol and later ibuprofen 2 hours next, they are a different type of palliative and do different things. formulate sure you are not taking two types of paracetamol here style though.
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