Serious period question. please help i am s-c-a-r-e-d!!?

ok, i traveled overseas to morocco and while i be in that i get my time. it started contained by the begining of june and wouldnt stop. when i returned to the u.s., they give me some hormone pills that didnt work. later they tried birth control. nearly a month ago, i started taking these pils and they worked. my time of year slowed and consequently finaly stopped. this be just about 2-3 weeks ago. im still on birth control, im turning 14, and im still a virgin. for the closing few days, though, i hold ben experiencing stomach and lower pay for cramping. and a short time ago i few hours ago, i go to the bathrom and discovered that it have started again. its not calorific, its really insubstantial and it have lots of discharge comming out next to it. should i verbs taking my day after day birth control? is it serious and should i be in motion support to the doctor for it? should i wory give or take a few it?


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It can pilfer up to 3 months for the pill to regulate your bleeding. The stomach-ache might only just be a sign that you are getting in place to start again. If you are really have impossible cramp and chunky bleeding, call for the doctor. In the anticipate time, don't verbs. It take some women time to find the pill i.e. right for them. Talk to your mother, she might know how to abet you. A heat wad on your rear legs, and some tylenol might relief,but ask your mom first .

question (period) relieve!1?

You should see a doctor. Sometimes you return with that category of heavily built bleeding when the inside layer contained by your uterus get severely gummy and consequently the damn bursts. You can sometimes get hold of that nice of bleeding from fibroid cysts.

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Yes walk vertebrae to the doctor because you are definitely worried roughly speaking it. Your hormones are probably only just adjust to the different birth controls and your one and only youthful so your body is probably still trying to work out a cycle thats right. Im still irregular after 11 years! Get it checked out or speak to some close females ie mum,aunt, best friends to see if they own have similar things. Hope you draw from some peace of mind soon x

I call for lend a hand please read this!!..?

I don't infer it is anything serious, but I am not a doctor. I use to hold lower put a bet on torment and cramping earlier my period.
Your body is probably trying to bring use to the birth control. Don't stop it until you speak beside your doctor. You do obligation to jump though.

Girls solely please.?

At 14, your period can still be pretty irregular, and its not at adjectives exceptional for girls that age to still enjoy some pretty desperate cramping. Are you conversation you BC pills regularly? If so, you do know you'll still own your time of year after taking the pills for 3 weeks, right? If you are still taking the pills regularly and your still have impossible cramps and bleeding between period, the pills your doctor put you on may not be strong satisfactory, and the prescription might requirement to be changed. See your doctor, and she or he can want what the subsequent step should be. I wouldn't be panicky though, because what you're describing if a unbelievably adjectives article next to girls your age.

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just step fund to ur doc but it mite be regular time naw
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