For girls only!!?

this is odd but i found a pimple or zit on my breast today and i poped it thinking it be fine but it turned resembling a black and have a hole contained by the middle and the in one piece entry is really tiny and black. im hoping its a short time ago blood from the pimple but can any one lend a hand?

Does breast enchancement pills really work?

I' sure it's close to any other pimple and its the dried blaad that cause it to appear black.

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you should of leaft it alone immediately you might want to verbs it and if it's still approaching that call for your doctor

Can I capture pregnant while on the "patch" birth control?

you should move about to see the doctor, it is slightly difficult to know what is it when can not see

What should I do?

i'm gonna own to see a picture of it back i know what's going on

How come I reason every man is a pervert?

Just verbs and cover it and if it doesn't shift away contained by a few days you might want to take it checked out by a doctor. Hope it help!
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