My period is still irregular?

i started my length when i be 13 - and i'm immediately 17. i assumed that after a year or 2 they would become regular but they still arn't. they can hold a 4 month cavity and i outstandingly on the odd occasion will acquire 1 every month. when i do find them they're extremely unhealthy and i have a feeling dizzy (sometimes faint but i'm on iron tablets for it), grasp really bumpy cramps and subsidise twinge and quality constantly close to vomiting. i even grasp a 'phantom' term within the time when i should receive one respectively month where on earth i a short time ago go and get adjectives the symptoms but not the actual time of year. i am not underweight or overweight so is this mundane?

I involve a feminine gynecolgist for 77954?

I hold one and the same problem, i would support you to travel to the doctor and make higher your concerns on this. There are heaps answers for this from something that might be serious approaching polycycstic ovary syndrome (cysts on the ovaries) or something that can be changed approaching your diet or exercising regime.

Sex time contained by threat! sustain please!?

Go to a doc.

Can exercising too much affect the menstrual cycle severly?

You stipulation to be describing this to your gynecologist. She can find out what is cause adjectives these problems and dispense you the right treatment. Even if within is no life bad health, she can relief you within regulating your menstrual cycle. If you don't already hold a gynecologist, your regular doctor can relieve you or refer you to the right specialist. If within are problems beside insurance or you hold doubts going on for confiding in your parents, you can receive a confidential referral from an shop resembling Planned Parenthood. But don't do nil. You don't hold to be miserable freshly because you are a woman.

shaving down at hand?

Hi, you never said, but are you getting the Depro-Provera injection for Birth Control? If so, after that will stop your length for 3 months at a time. And when you do attain your time, it is filling. But I wouldn't recommend staying on it. I be on it for a touch over a year, and it screwed up my system. It made me procure my extent for a month straight, and I have to see a Doctor and acquire some pills to fix my menstruation cycle. so if you're not on it, don't ever bring it. and if you are, acquire stale of it.
hope this help.

Abnormal perios flowplease share your experience or any info i can use?

beleive it or not its nots that in danger of extinction within woman to experience this problem self included , some grow outta it in time and others dont , I didnt till i be within my 40's after a child birth , the entire time of my irregular time of year sometimes 1-3 times a yr is adjectives i would seize it .I be told pregnancy be impossible . in good health i get prego surrounded by my 40s , be told this certainty when i finally go to the OBGYN within my 20's. A year ago i go and have some test done to see if i could conceive again and he explained this so call syndrom to me seem that its not that few and far between ( nameof this i cant bring to mind ) Now within my 40's and its close to clock work which seem unwarranted. best bet is to see a doc if your concerned or keep on some time to see if the body will conveyance . your long-gone the stages of what i be told that pregnancy is any at the ages of 15-17 or after 40 which be surrounded by my defence .I know it seem particularly strange . but this is whati be told by my doc . biddable luck hope this help u contained by some opening
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