Bipolar and Birth control?

My Doctor once told me that when your bipolar you hold to cart a double dose of birth control, Is this true? Has anyone ever hear this? I'm starting on the shot birthcontrol soon and considered necessary to know.

Females! How various days chunky and how various days standard lamp is your term?

No I own never hear of that. That sounds approaching a quack doctor describing you that. Why would you ever make clear to a tolerant to double up on birth control because of a mental weakness? I found this for you as okay:

Are near any specific birth control pills that are recommended for women near bipolar disorder? I enjoy tried Ortho-tricyclen(R) and Tri-Levelen(R). With both of them, I hold have depressions worse than previously I ever started on Lithium. I could really use some give support to.

In broad it is feel that the progestogen component of birth control pills have the most effect on aggravating depression. Estrogen have the contrasting effect, it usually improve depression. The progestogen within Levlen(R) is stronger than the progestogen contained by Tricyclen(R) milligram per milligram. I would expect Levlen(R) to be slightly more depressive than Tricyclen(R) but nearby is a confounding factor. Both hold varying doses of the hormones throughout the cycle. The could conceivably worsen a cyclic process close to manic-depression. I would reason it would be better to be on a mono phasic pill that have a low progestogen potency such as Orthocyclen(R), Norinyl 1/35 (R)or Desogen 1/35(R). It's possible, however, that any combination could worsen the symptoms. Basically this solution involves trying different pills and giving respectively one in the order of 2-3 mos until that time drawing a conclusion. There is almost no medical investigation here nouns, i.e. effect of OCPS on manic-depression that I know of.

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Definitely not, I am Bipolar and I give somebody a lift birth control and lone cart a single course a month. I very soon help yourself to pills but I enjoy have the Deprovera shot within the recent past and never hear of a doctor suggesting a double dose due to my condition. Please see another doctor, double doses could organize to sterility!
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