Brown discharge?

Sometimes I hold my pee in too long...and I'm afraid that maybe I get a bladder I freaked out when I got brown discharge. What does this mean? I don't wanna narrate my parents about it..=\?

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Is the brown discharge coming from the urethra or the vagina? If it's coming from the urethra, it is a build up of the toxins that your urine holds. If you hold in pee too long, it can motivation a bladder infection or a whole urinary tract infection, which include your kidneys as well. It is not a devout idea to hold it any longer than you have to. Of course, in attendance are times when you have to go and a bathroom purely isn't available, but as soon as one is, you gotta use it. Having too many kidney infections can lead to bigger problems surrounded by the future. Drink plenty of water and cranberry liquid, and my personal favorite, dill pickle juice. The pickle juice is freshly a mixture of vinegar and water, but tastes nought like drinking vinegar straight out of the bottle. I've been drinking it for years, and hold never had a bladder or kidney infection. The vinegar cleans out your system. Don't be afraid to tell your parents. I'm sure they would a bit you say something now than find out down the road when something go wrong.

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If you have brown discharge that means you are really close to your interval. I would recommened to get some sanitary items to be prepared. Don't worry you do not hold an infection. Brown discharge is ususally and most likely that you are close to getting your period. Good Luck near everything and welcome to womanhood!

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