Is there anyway I can get my period sooner?

All of my friends own within time, but I do't
Is here anyway I can find it sooner?

Is near something wrong near me?

Well, milk and meat contain hormones. A lot of children are feed deeply of dairy and meat products-which is why the average age of when a girl get her first extent is going down. I don't in particular realize why you want your time of year lead to have this every month get to be a hassle. Then nearby's PMS and so much other stuff...anyways...if you drink some more milk every time afterwards you'll probably seize it sooner. I wouldn't suggest consumption more meat grounds you could gain weight- but dairy products are okay. There isn't any gaurentee that this will work- and I would purely skulk for it to come on it's own. Seriously- what's the rush? Stay a kid for as long as you can- after some things in go come up nearby isn't anyway you can jump vertebrae.

is this totally gross?

You don't really want the cramps and bloating and dealing near pad and tampons do you? It's an inconvinence most of the time. Wait. Don't try to build it come. You'll catch it eventually. Just because all of your friends enjoy it, you don't stipulation it. I promise, you'll catch it.

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There is no means of access you could possibly attain it sooner. Perhaps attainment a bit counterweight will kickstart it if you're currently beneath 100 pounds. Seriously, soak up not have to verbs roughly it! You'll regret wish you have it sooner once you receive it...It ain't call "The Curse" for nothin'! It will come when it comes.

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Do not preference for it! It will become one of the most atrocious, inconvenient parts, and repeatedly rough parts of your existence! If anything, poke fun at your friends because they're bleeding from their vaginas and you're still unthinking. :]

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Most of my friends get their period around grades 6-8
I didnt carry mine until 9th level, which be akward since I have already used the excuse to my mother 2 years past that I get my time and I needed to be excused from academy LOL
But anyway, as long as you attain your interval past youre 17 or 18, I wouldn't verbs too much. It will come soon adequate and you'll want it to stir away forever!! lol
Periods aren't fun. Enjoy your white pant freedom while it last

I am 13, 5'6', and 115 pounds, am I overweight?

Trust me you DO NOT want your time!

I would bet that after you do catch your length you'd be coming fund on here asking for it to stop sooner or stoppage it!
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