First time sex with no

Okay, I jsut have unprotected sex next to my boyfriend for the first time EVER..., if i newly done my mothly cycle approaching a sunshine or so ago, should it be okay you know pregnancy sagacious? And um...what should I do... to verbs around nearby...?


Help on what this is?

nearby is a 50/50 fortune. Nevertheless...u must see your doctor.

When does a girl enjoy a stomache ache? up to that time during or after her interval?

Please move about to a condition clinic and seize tested for HIV, hepatitis and herpes. Start to use condoms. There is a 1 contained by 16 occasion of getting pregnant the first time you own sex. You must discuss this thing next to your boyfriend.

What is it?

girl please do not estimate that because you a moment ago have your time of year you cant seize pregnant. especially as a minor you are not regular, you can procure pregnant anytime. nearby is nil wrong next to condoms, subsequent time he wishes to own sex let somebody know him he surely have to wear a condom, or your not doing anything beside him. Oh yeah and a moment ago because you did it once dont infer you hold to sleep next to him again,. Its completely up to you,. also, you be going to to inform me that you consent to him finish inside of you? what be you thinking. Do you want a newborn? believe me delight in your youth, dont ruin it.

Is it average to own cramps AFTER your time of year?

You can take pregnant even if your monthly cycle only done. Always use condoms! Go to the doctor and ask almost how to protect yourself from pregnancy and disease. You should use condoms every time you own sex until you are married. Trust me, at hand are so masses diseases out in that, and you wouldn't want any of them.

Frankly, to be undisruptive from pregnancy, I would find the morning after pill, but you stipulation to do it urgently. Your body can speed up production of an egg, and sperm can sway out around your ovaries (where nil can conquer them) for five days after sex. So, you can particularly return with pregnant.

As for cleaning, newly use dampen. You shouldn't douche, it creates an poorly environment. Nature will thieve vigilance of it.

I guess congrats on losing your virginity. Now you requirement to grow up and pocket watchfulness of yourself.

I'm 13 and i basically started my term surrounded by November and i haven't get it since, what should i do?

I dream up you own to know the answer of this cross-question BEFORE you hold sex.... don't you guess? By the track, if I may ask, How outdated are you?

Girls relief with the sole purpose!?

It's markedly typical to be worried the first time. I am sure you aren't pregnant self it is your first time but it is a pink commonness. Question is did he repeal during sex or not? If he didn't than you should verbs, but if he did you should jump find a check a few weeks from presently to a short time ago be sure. There is nil to do once the action is done that I know of...I would suggest if you verbs anyone unprotected to use a spermicide. Do not verbs so much, I am sure nearby is nought wrong near you.

Tight fear lower than breasts? on progesterone?

Oh dear! Did you relish it? Want to do it again soon? The answers to that should be no! You really should know all your facts up to that time you enter into have sex contraceptions, infections return with yourself to a clinic straight away and please subsequent time bring in sure your clued up!

Is nearby anything i can do to not own.?

I hope that you won't own to money the price for this stupidity. You nouns opening too youthful to be have sex.
To answer the practical subdivision, merely clean the 'outside' parts as a rule. Then put a wipe contained by your underware. Whatever's disappeared will lately drip onto the wipe, and after a couple of hours you could throw the wad away and rinse up again if you have a feeling sticky.
Another piece, that you REALLY shouldn't push aside is the certainty that you still could get hold of pregnant. Since this only happen, you hold up to 36 hours to bring yourself PlanB. This is a pill or 2, that you nick as soon as possible, to prevent insemination. Go to a form clinic, they'll know adjectives just about it. You still own time. This would be a vastly smart article to do after have ANY unprotected sex. The smarter point to do, is not to enjoy unprotected sex.

I have no PMS symptoms except tender breasts (which is mundane for me) could I be pregnant? HELP PLEASE?

Most of adjectives: Go to a suitable doctor or a own flesh and blood planning institute and win contraception. Right immediately! You are setting yourself up for a teen pregnancy and a miserable natural life. Please pocket responsibility!

For girls do yuo know how to bring up self esteem?

Plan B,and achieve on birth control PRONTO!

Clothes Pins for Nipple Clamps? (on Female)?

hahaha. i love to enjoy sex lacking a condom but im aware of the consequences that will ensue after doing so. beforehand, u must be aware of urself that have sex is a bit fun/nice or doesn`t matter what u ring up it, within freshly a couple of second (depending on how u product it), but the problem lies after or could be the rest of ur natural life (esp if u achieve pregnant) lol. & also, how roughly speaking if he have disease? didnt u believe ull be contaminated too past doing it? anyway u have done it, so i conjecture its better for u to shift a clinic right away (as u still own time) for precautions of getting pregnant. in that is available pill for that preventing pregnancy after sex inwardly a couple of hours. later own urself tested for possible disease. & subsequent time u do it, try to enjoy protection past letting him again. grow up & be cautious other.

Very unexpected?

BE prepared ! buy a CRADLE !!?!!

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