Any rape victims experience periods of disassociation years later?

To be exact:
Periods where on earth you touch almost robotic
Limited cognitive functioning in lingo of remembering things more than ever within the evenings


What could this be?

I did for a long time but not so much anymore.I blamed myself & to this amazingly year I enjoy a difficult time within trusting anybody.Although I am an extremely sociable entity I greatly fundamentally now and then tolerate anybody achieve too close to me which have cause relationship problems.The guilt & shame will probably other be in that if you don't revise to forgive yourself : )

Is this key for women?

yes...if you would close to to actual sermon email me butterflyfrills@YAHOO I know what it feel similar to first foot

Failure of BC Pills?

It is clearly majority! it is your body/brain's means of access of dealing near the distress ect. I have an idea that you should ask your dr. in the region of the possiblity of have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have that after I be raped.. and it be also years after that. I deal near my p.t.s.d through cognitive psychotherapy, and I be aware of 100% better immediately. I stingy in that will other be memories, but in a minute I don't seize the dismay of the rape anymore. I hope you find the right answer. I would ask your dr. though in the order of the possiblity of have p.t.s.d it is outstandingly comon surrounded by these situations.
Good Luck and Very Sorry to hear in the region of this.

Also, if it make you touch any better at adjectives, you could try taking a self armour course, I took Kickboxing and I feel approaching I be more within control, and more powerful, smaller amount affraid.

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yes ive be nearby instinctively. you submerge things to the support of your brain because you dont want to remember, you dont want to hurt anymore,you dont want to blame yourself any more discern as though your a moment ago at hand and your one controlled please do me a favor bring counseling i did it really help i get so bleak over the years i wouldnt even stir out of my house and if i did someone have to check my vehicle .it be horrible it took me 15 years of counseling cuz i wait 15 or 20 years to dance

I own a seriouse problem?

It sounds resembling post-traumatic stress syndrome. I'm not an expert, most of what I know nearly it is what I hold read after a friend be diagnosed, but it can be brought on years after the imaginative trauma by some shrewd event. Although the trigger event may not come across approaching much to the character experiencing it, it is something that clicks beside the subconcious and the PTSS symptoms start.

My friend have the "robotic" notion and period where on earth she be functioning in public but feel totally removed from the emotion or stress of anything be going on. Most folks couldn't enlighten here be anything wrong next to her at the time. She also have unnatural sleep disturbances and would occasionally drift stale during conversations - a short time ago dance totally blank approaching she be asleep but her eyes be break open. Then she would snap out of it and not realize what have happen.
She also tend to be hyper-reactive to mildly unpromising situations - i.e. - for her it be a total crisis but for me - not so much.

Hope this help...
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