Stretch marks?

I never weighted more afterwards 110...very soon that i lost bulk and solidity 105 i am starting to attain stretch do i trade name them stop appearing..and why is it becuase i lost bulk? shouldnt it be the other path around...i other have problems near my think about and how i chew over more or less myself i hold low self esteem...and in a minute this when i lost consignment! plz relay me what to do any give support to will be great...btw i am 19 and 5 foot 1 inch.

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When I be babyish I have devastating stretchmarks, They be red and purple, they be calamitous, in the future I wnt to the shoreline and have a sunburn, the probem get worst :s.

In my experience, I used to moisture my skin near vream, took lots of sea and flawless food. Itried to avoid obese, because they appear due to the skin stretching.

Today my grades are totally diminished, they are tiny white lines, and you own to llok to close to see them, I dfon't even sense them.

In my experience therés nil you can do to thieve them sour, but dally for your skin to develop and embezzle effort, contained by time the lines will diminish so much you won't even spot them.
Stretchmarks walk through stages they budge from red and purple to white and thinner.

So don't verbs I be so worried abot my body but today I am fine thank God, so lately relex contained by time they will dissolve. Just bear nurture of your drinking and your skin and drink dampen, at tiniest 2 lts. a time, wet nourish skin.

Good luck! ;D

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Sometimes you do procure stretch results beside bulk loss and weightiness gain. Try using cocoa butter on it. They will remove the colour over time, but will never step fully away. Best of luck to you.

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i also own really doomed to failure stretch grades because i am too flab it really sucks

Ok i've done research and figure i inevitability to do kegal exercisesi dont know any though give a hand!?

stretchmarks appear when you loose weigh like lightning. when i be pregnant i used boots pure coconut oit or bio grease it works a treat i still use it day after day i enjoy two kids and too lost alot of mass suddenly and singular hold small tiny stretchmarks that you can't even mind. you own to do it day after day and keep hold of it up for it to work though

Women with the sole purpose - please develop answers individual?

When you gain counterweight, your skin tore slightly at the middle vein, and this cause scarring. You couldn't see it previously because the skin be pulled tight. As you lost consignment, the skin loosened up and you can see the scar - these are commonly call stretch grades.

As to getting rid of them, removing them totally minus surgery is not glib, but see here for some concept:

Good luck beside it,


Is this mundane!?!?

Stretch results and scar can be removed by massage cocoa butter, shea butter, Vitamin E grease or taking Vitamin E capsule. More home remedies are scheduled at
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