Where the heck is my left ovary?!? Please help!?

I enjoy be married for for a moment over a year immediately and during and after sex I own a sharp aching contained by my vanished side where on earth my departed ovary is supposed to be. The aching also occur roughly every 2 or 3 months and last for almost 2 weeks or more. Nausea also comes beside the discomfort and, although I own be on birth control for 8 years, I enjoy skipped 3 period within the concluding six months. I never have this problem earlier I be sexually influential near my husband. I hold have 2 ultrasounds surrounded by the ending six months and my uterus is tilted downward and my gone ovary is nowhere to be see. My right ovary shows up typical. Also, here be a small amount of fluid where on earth my gone ovary should be. I am not pregnant, so what is going on? Could it hurt my probability of pregnancy within the adjectives?

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Now this is really unexpected. Is it still secrete hormones? You may not enjoy problems next to pregnancy as eggs can still be launch from one ovary lone, up to that time moving down to the uterus. But a woman have simply 1 ovary is fairly unusual. It'd be the masculine equivalent of have 1 teste, vice 2

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some women are born next to single one ovary. Lots of them still own children.

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This sounds for a while similar to a problem I have.

First, I single enjoy one ovary and have completely no problem getting pregnant.

Second, I'd suggest getting the fluid any removed or tested. It could be infection, germs, etc... Whatever it is, it isn't supposed to be in attendance.

Third, Prolonged use of birth control can lead to some problems.

I really would shift to a different doctor and procure at tiniest two opinion.

This may nouns crude, but your husband could be too sizeable for you.

I have to enjoy my gone ovary removed. Behind it the doctor found a sack of fluid, and removed it. I feel approaching a different character.
Sex wasn't tight, I have finally gotten pregnant after trying for six years, and the nausea and aching that other come next to my length be gone.

I lucklessly almost died from the situation because I disregarded stipulation signs and started to hemorrhage. I go through four doctors back I found one that help.
Good luck!
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