How many times should a razor be used before throwing it away?


What is going on beside my body?

depending on how fine your down is. If the fuzz is really really course i would with the sole purpose use it one and only. If it is of late course you can use to 2 to 3 times. Medium 5 to 6 and fine i would use it a max of 10 times. Also if shaving in the shower besure to dry past its sell-by date your cut-throat and store it surrounded by a dry spot surrounded by lay down to avoid rust from the extra sea on it.
Hope this help!!

Is it death-defying to preserve taking the pill and not have the pill free break?


weird press..?

once it get rusty you should throw it away

Has anyone have any luck beside home wax?

Try 2-5 times.

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ONCE. Imagine if you cut yourself the subsequent time you shaved beside a used blade. That used cut-throat have have microbes growing on it from your skin cell and mane. If you re-use that blade, the germs can take into your cut.

I know it sounds expensive, but for your safekeeping and strength it shoud merely be used once and after discarded.

Inverted Nipples???

I use mine until the aloe strip go away.

That can lug 5-10 times depending on how normally I shave.

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