Do birth control pills really make you put on weight?



It depends on your body.

I **just** started the pill two weeks ago. I wait for years to do it because both of my sisters gain a bunch of shipment when they go on the pill. And I'm already filling, so I didn't want to gain.

You know what's happen? I've lost five pounds.

The pill affects your appetite, but it doesn't certainly generate you gain counterweight. So, if you want to stir on the pill, a moment ago survey what you devour tremendously closely.

How can I draw from my ph perched again.?

not neccessarily but they can everybodys body react differently ull own to notice

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some do so kind sure you win alot of information around the ones your doctor tries to put you on, or you try to catch on.

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For some women yes

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I haven't notice it doing that.

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it did me alot of substance

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No, although here are complications.

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It adjectives depends on your body. I be on birth control for in the order of 5 years and it didn't bring in me gain shipment. Some women may gain a few pounds from the pill. It merely depends on how your body react to the pill.

Can Cervical Cancer/HPV affect the faculty to bring pregnant?

I don't know if birth control does...but I know for sure, that getting pregnant will clear you gain mass.

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It can increase your appetite. During the time that you are on the pill, your body in heaps ways mimic pregancy. You do not ovulate and I hold hear of some weapon if truth be told starting to produce breast milk. Women will also retain dampen. Please estimation the paste information .

As the body adjust to hormonal change, women habitually experience some minor side effects, including:

Irregular bleeding or spotting
Breast pain
Weight gain and/or river retention
Spotty darken of the skin
Mood change
Break through bleeding, or bleeding mid cycle is markedly adjectives within the first six months of continual hormonal use. Over time your body will bring back used to the constant plane of hormones and this side effect will usually disappear inwardly 4-6 months of continuous hormonal use.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (naproxen or ibuprofen) can reduction bleeding and spawn you more comfortable during this adjustment time. If your bleeding continues after one week on an anti-inflammatory, consult your robustness provider

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its distinctly different for everybody. i never gain substance on it, although i did become more moody!

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I gain immensity, but it be probably because I be within college and ate similar to crap adjectives the time. I talk to my gyno just about it and she made the point to me that I should probably only just not get through so much and that it is typically a myth that birth control make you gain bulk. I also lost 50 lbs after college while still on bc.

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