Heavy bleeding aa week after period?

does anyoone know what would rationale me to bleed ALOT a week after my time? i ha d sex within the morning and after that it started i go to the hospital and they said that near wasn't any trauma so that have zilch to do near it but they said it woould progress away within a few days ant it took four days. at darkness it be so fruitless that i go to sleep for two hourrs and it looked close to someone have tried to snuff me within my sleep? have this ever happen to anyone else?

Period approaching cramps? Whats goin on?

This happen to me over a month ago and it be extremely unhealthy. I go through resembling six pad contained by sometime and have huge egg-sized clots; I thought it be a fibroid problem but it wasn't - my doctors told me equal entity they told you.
My doctors give me some birth control pills (which I wasn't on before), so that stabilized me for the 28 days I was on the pills. Now, I've run out of pills and the spell is support to everyday. Are you on birth control? If not, this can comfort stabilize your time or if you are you involve to see the doctor again because if you don't step this can later for more than a week after your extent.

Girls docters lend a hand !! what wrong next to me ?

Heavy bleeding after you've already have a spell could be a sign of a hormonal inconsistency or of emdometriosis. Both of these conditions are not energy threatening but are unpleasant and can do fertility issues then contained by time except taken thought of. My singular guidance is to run see a doctor. If this is indeed what is wrong near you, the treatment would basically be hormone psychiatric therapy (mainly through putting you on probably a low-dose birth control), so it will be pretty much painless for you if you lift protection of it hurriedly.

A bit embarresing to ask..?

Yes it happen to me. Isaw a doctor but she put it down to my age premenopausal.

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