I havnt had my period in 9 months..?

and i know for a reality im not pregnant (as im a virgin). is something wrong?


what is molestation?

There could be something wrong, or it could be hormonal change contained by your body due to stress, medication, etc. Honestly, you necessitate to find an appointment next to your doctor or (preferably) gynecologist. He or she can shift over a more in-dept account of other symptoms that can support pinpoint what is cause this. If you want any other instant information, I suggest going to http://www.mayoclinic.com and researching your symptoms. They enjoy a tool on the site call "symptom checker" that might sustain. But ultimately, the best piece to do is see your doctor as soon as possible because letting it verbs similar to this could develop into something serious.

i enjoy person getting pouring bleeding next to my tubal are tried.?

wow explicitly really unexpected, how infirm are you?

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You involve to see your doc now!

Help Please. Important!?

That's a intensely long time not enjoy your time of year. Are you an athlete or too diaphanous? That can produce it. In any satchel, I reason you really should shift see a doc to trademark sure adjectives is ok. Good luck.

Cramps below my belly button?

well, any you are pregnant and expecting a toddler or you enjoy be have sex during your length. don't hold sex when you are supposed to own your time and you will draw from it vertebrae.

Hey, this is a bit of an mortifying query, but please nurture me some suggestion! :-)?

Yes, something is wrong. You call for to see your doctor.

I NEED IUD answers please?!?!?

omg.. you own to shift see your doctor.... it may be some loving of infection.... yr term may be interrupted due to stress or drastic mass loss/gain

I masturbate am i still virgin?

You should check next to a dr.

My length lone last for 2 days. I dont know why. I use condoms. Is this common. I hold never have a short per

I hold individually experienced that. Though not as long as 9 months. It is conventional for some women because nearby are women who just return with their period 4 times a year. Or smaller number. It could be cause by stress or diet. Ensure sufficient overweight intake because it is an essential ingredient in period-causing.


lady you stipulation to check within to a doctor perferably a OBGYN dr.

I entail minister to beside something to do beside my extent please lend a hand?

Same item happen to me when I be a juvenile. My hormone level be not mundane. It didn't hurt me, but made it really firm to know when to expect my extent. Go to a doctor and enjoy your hormone level tested.

Please facilitate me, any direction at adjectives!!!!!?

All u hold to do is travel to a gyny.
Test ur harmonal level. There is this harmone call prolactin which may catch secreted at a even high than what is run of the mill for a non-pregnant woman. This harmone will inhibit ovulation. Prolactin is in general secreted at a superior horizontal for nursing mothers, and for non preganant women it get secreted when u r at stress.
U may also own to thieve a Uterus scan to rule out Polycystic Ovaries.
And after adjectives, nearby is a cure for everything buddy. U really dont hold to verbs. Take Care!!

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well first article..you are sooo lucky for not have it surrounded by 9 months=D but if you never have unprotected sex previously after self be in motion to your doctor because it could be something wrong.

I'm 17 and i haven't gotten my length for a year very soon. Does anybody know a untaught track to regulate my spell?

I don't know how behind the times you are. Most of the time it is from mal-nutrition-anorexia or something of that sort. Are you TRUE cracked?
Please walk to a moral gynecologist and find out for sure what is going on beside you. If you are unsophisticatedly nourishing at hand may be a problem that requirements to be address. Hope adjectives go ably. Dianne D.

Giving birth?

well i know what your going through.I myself am/have gone through alike piece and when i go to the Dr.I be told that I enjoy what is called"PCOS" Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.You can look it up if u want.Still breed an appointment to see your Dr.or obgyn.hope adjectives is all right.


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