I'm 17 and i haven't gotten my period for a year now. Does anybody know a natural way to regulate my period?

I know I should be in motion to a doctor but I perceive discomfited, I don't want a stranger to look at my private factor. Also I don't want to appropriate any BC pills..

Hysterectomy through my C-Section defacement?

i would suggest you walk to a doctor. you may not own to enjoy someone look at adjectives. but to be precise kindof serious. it would be best if you talk to a doctor.

Ichy contained by the pits girls plez lend a hand?

You hold the resort of going to a female gynac. ou must be have harmonal lack of correspondence. Start drinking Noni herbal fruit liquid twice a time near marine. It should correct your body system.

embaressing query but cant live the rest of my go next to this.?

Go to the doctor! it is not something that can be avoided your already 17 so dream up going on for it soon if you enjoy not already your going to become sexually helpful after you will enjoy to turn to the doctor when you own your first toddler youll own to be in motion to the doctor and at hand gonna adjectives look at your private parts it is a part of a womans existence that we adjectives need we didnt hold to shift through but we do dont whip any probability near your body you could own a problem that can be slickly solved presently but by prolonging it it can inflict you serious devastate detail an developed and achieve to the doctor as for home remedys it is said that ingestion beets drinking hot tea and taking hot baths give support to bring on your interval well brought-up luck and please please please turn to the doctor dont be embarresed it is within opening and it isnt as doomed to failure as it sounds

Camping near a time?

love your extent.

Does anybody else dread that time of the month?

well the best home made remedy is to devour lots of papaya n hv thaw out milk next to pinch of turmeric in it so it will cause the body thaw n if t still their is no symptoms of getting length thn u shd move about to doctor they will treat u all right bt b4 that i regard its pure u hv done nthing silly so get through papaya n hv reheat milk n if u drink egg tht's also back u out or u may b anemic so u shd hv iron contained food bt i have an idea that instinctively u must hv more trust on ur mother they r experienced n cn backing u out,

Menstrual cup?

you better budge and see a doctor. don't verbs roughly human being shy or anything. this is an significant piece,

girly put somebody through the mill.. terrifically exalted.?

I f you have already get the time of year and very soon it have stopped. first check near a doctor, regular exercises will facilitate regular period if nought else is wrong.
Web Hunter

Is it ok to enjoy sex while your ovulating?

I'm glad you asked something like NATURAL ways. You could run to the Docor yes, but likelihood are they will prescribe you something (AKA UNnatural). Try one soul's recommend first "Love Your Period", savour is as a rite of passageway, and...sit outside within the moonlight as much as you can.
If you are on any medication or birth control your period can become irregular.

Having sex during spell?

I am contained by a vastly similar boat as you but i own not gotton mine in 17 months and i am 16 yrs. hoary i strongly suggest you turn to the doctor i don't want to walk any but i finally am assembly my pride to step it could be really serious i don't want to alarm you but you could hold Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing's syndrome, hyperprolactin, and sometimes it can develope into cancer im really terrified give or take a few this because it is not usual suitable luck your not the individual one out nearby you should look those things up

Will Zithromax make happen a missed spell?

Hi, I want U are fine. agree to me know whether U enjoy get married or not ? if consequently please bring Oestrozen related Tablets. because Oestrozen defficency may lead within this type of problems and Hair loss. clutch supervision and Have Some Indian Yoga classess for such problems. Ex. Baba RAMDEV..........bye

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