Pill, making me sick, what to do?

i hold taken similar to practically every pill thre is and everyone of them put together me sick, some i can't even pinch becuase they brand me vomit everytime i clutch it. what can i do to stop this?

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I found that the timing of the sunshine can be a factor when I bear my pill and for years I used to pinch them hasty within the a.m, have problems next to nauseau and such so that I took anti-nauseau medicine for a time. Finally reverted to taking the medication at nite.

Another tip I academic from the assistant that used to work for my gyn is to rob some peanut butter (if one is not allergic to peanuts of course) and afterwards rob the medication 15 minutes following. The justification is b/c it give the stomach some protein.

As the other poster said consult your dr going on for this as economically so that they can check to see if you are low on electrolytes and such.

Help pleasee?

consult your home doctor

what time of the month is a woman most fertile?

My roommate have alike problem. She be taking it for almost a week but it be making her sick every sunshine...so she stopped taking it. She have roughly speaking 6 months of supply and she give me the rest....that's why I remember.

My friend have hear of a special pill that stops you getting your interval for one month?

Well I estimate that possibly that you are on one of them that enjoy deeply of the hormones within it. Have you tried yaz the strange bc that freshly come out. This is a righteous medication when taking it for medication origin and when you hold to control something. Getting a bc explicitly lower is hormones will serve not bequeath you so much sickness. Like the bc Loestrin or Yaz. Anything that will enjoy something lo in it.

How lots women touch more dazzling now than when they be for a time younger?

Eating crackers help me. Years ago when I took birth control pills they made me sick, so i would almost vomit every darkness when i took the pill, simply because i know how sick i be going to have a feeling the subsequent a.m. somebody told me to put away crackers within the a.m. freshly as lots do when experiencing morning sickness, and it did assistance me. I own a daughter who is 36, and she can not swallow a pill,,,of any size! So whenever she is prescribed a medication contained by pill form, she will ask if it is available surrounded by solution, and after request it that agency. If it doesn't, her dr.will try to find a similar med. that does. When here is no other option but a pill, she will pulp it if she can and appropriate it that approach, She swears she simply cannot swallow a pill,,,I hold see her practically get herself sick over the thought of it. As mom,, I put in the picture her I chew over alot of it is pyscological, but she doesn't agree. So, I be wondering if you surface any anxiety almost only just taking the pills, and if so,,,probably trying juice form, rather. suitable luck to you.

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