What is internal bleeding?


Period stufff?

it medium your bleeding on the inside. resembling you ruptured something.

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when your inner organs are bleeding

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bleeding anywhere inside your body... usually it refers to the stomach/liver/peritoneal nouns but technically this could stingy any body cog.

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Say an internal organ, close to the heart, ruptures... You'll be bleed to passing internally.

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Female Health Question?

Bleeding specifically internal.....it doesn't become external (outside). Someone bleeding inside.

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when your bleeding inside

my mom--help me!!?

One or more of your internal organs are bleeding.

I'M BLEADING help?THis have never happend to me? ITS NOT MY PERIOD?

It's when your body or specific organs bleed from the inside. It can be as minor as a bruise, or as foremost as hemorraging. (sp?)

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Something on the inside burst similar to a capillary or conceivably an sore. Whatever it is thats bleeding its inside your body and you can't see it. Doctor is a must. Immediately

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when your organs inside r ruptured read aloud surrounded by an fluke and they get hold of tatty afterwards they bleed

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Your body is bleeding somewhere on the inside.

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u know how when u bleed u can see it. yeah very well internal bleedingu cant really cuz it's inside of u. ur ograns such as heart, lungs, brain, stomach and so on are bleeding. in quantifiable expressions........Internal bleeding is when bleeding occur inside the body. It may be cause by concussions, glorious blood pressure (by cause blood vessel rupture) or other forms of injury, especially big deceleration occurring during a motor fluke (organ rupture).It is, depending from where on earth it occur (i.e. the brain), a caring of medical emergency, that might effect annihilation surrounded by a short extent save given a proper treatment efficiently.

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Internal bleeding is when withought your skin man broken your bleeding underneath or somewhere in your body. Bruises are a type of internal bleeding.

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internal bleeding
Initially, internal bleeding itself cause no symptoms, although an injured organ explicitly bleeding is regularly scratchy. However, the party may be distracted from this anguish by other injuries or may be inept to express affliction because of confusion, drowsiness, or blackout. Eventually, internal bleeding usually become adjectives. For example, blood surrounded by the digestive tract may be vomited or passed from the rectum. Extensive blood loss cause low blood pressure, making the character touch thinned and dizzy. The personality may lightheaded when standing or even sitting and, if blood pressure is tremendously low, lose consciousness.
A individual cannot stop internal bleeding. If extensive bleeding cause nouns or symptoms of shock .The character should be laid down and the legs elevated. Professional backing should be summoned as at full tilt as possible.

Breast Cancer?

its when you bleeding inside your body.

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