My girl started bleeding from vagina during intercourse she was not a virgin at the time. What are the causes?

She say when she is gonna pee it hurts but at indistinguishable time she feel similar to she will enjoy an orgasm? I am worried.

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she may hold a urinary tract infection which she requirements to see a doctor roughly. if shes bleeding during intercourse and after. if she truly be not a virgin. how oodles times have she have sex until that time if its with the sole purpose her second or third time she may still bleed or if it have be awhile since her later time. another cause is she could hold be cut inside do to the absence of lubrication. if it continues enjoy her checked by a doctor.

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she probably lied 2 u when she told you that she wasn't a virgin.

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It could be a few things. I have a similar problem and when i found out i have mean infection.Let her stir to doctor and grasp some try-out did rule out a quantity of things

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It's possible that you broke a blood vessel during intercourse. This habitually happen when nearby is not satisfactory lubrication during sex or when here is allot of friction. That would also explain the niggle during urination. If this be a one time point, she's probably fine. More than once, I'd articulate to walk to a doctor. She could own any number of infections from a simple but sensitive UTI or an STD.

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i am a midwife post coital bleeding conceivably surrounded by your daughter overnight case because of cervical infection don't verbs is better to step to doctor

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