How do i choose a fertility specitalist?

i hold pcos and i hold be unscuessful at getiing pg on clomid, glucophage and chartin my bbt for the later 1 year . i incredibly skeptical almost have surgery to verbs out my ovaries and tubes. my dr told me that i be hygienic adequate to carry pg on only just the glucophage and so i took that for 6 months and zilch so in a minute i enjoy done 3 cycles of clomid and still zilch. my subsequent step if i cart surgery and do not obtain pg is to move about to a fertility specialtist and see what he think i should do. but my problems is nearby are no speciatlist contained by my on the spot nouns. i would enjoy to drive a ways to see one and i want my drive to be worth it and i merely dont know how to shift almost finding a god one. if you own any advie for me please ratify it along my means of access. thanks

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Look for someone who specialises surrounded by treatment of PCOS. Do a wen query for your state and PCOS and see what name come up, ask your own doctor if he know a specialist. Try and find a pattern support group for PCOS and see if anyone on within have any personal counsel;

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