What might cause cloudy urine?

it's be that approach for a few weeks.
btw, i'm pregnant & on prenatal vitamins.
i be thinking it might be a UTI, but i don't enjoy any other symptoms. (well, i hold to urinate frequently, but that's pregnancy)
what could it be?

I contemplate I own started my length, but im not sure?

It could be contributed to the prenatal vitamins. There are several possible cause main to cloudy urine;
-Certain types of food or drink can affect urine consistency and coloration (including infallible vitamins).
-Normal vaginal secretion can raison d`??tre the urine to appear cloudy
-Bladder infection or Cystitis (but if you are experiencing no symptoms I would rule out this possibility)
-UTI - Sometimes here can be no symptoms, its terrifically noteworthy to receive sure when you are pregnant that you do not enjoy a UTI or developing one. (there are home test you buy at the pharmacy)
Blood within urine - any blood in the urine may front to cloudy urine (which can be related to a UTI)
Proteinuria (condition where urine contains an exceptional amount of protein, usually cause by a kidney disease. I do not believe you are experiencing this problem)

In my inference I would label sure you are do not enjoy a developing UTI and reach a deal to your doctor.
In the propose time drink some Cranberry liquid only to be on the locked side. Cranberry liquid produces a hippuric sharp within your urine which acidifies the urine and prevents microbes from sticking to the walls of the bladder (make sure its 100% Cran Juice and not a liquid cocktail)
I hope this help!

i am so unnatural. assist me.?

It could be the UTI or the Vitamins, but i would stir see a doctor soon.

Is here anyway you could attain the depo shot out of your system right away?

just because your lone symptom is cloudy urine doesn't be going to you don't hold a UTI. you should speak to your doctor something like it and own him check your urine to be sure.

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dehydration. drink some cranberry liquid and lots of hose

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If you're pregnant, don't lurk to be treated !

oh man,. what are the probability ?

I benevolent of remember it one approaching that when I be pregnant, but it still cound be an infection. Call your Dr. Don't you lift a preview every time you progress within?

I'm merely wondering if anyone else is competent to push blood out when they're on their term?

It could be an UTI you wont necessarily hold symptoms surrounded by the dawn.

I aversion my boobs they are?

Well you are probably not drinking adequate hose down.
I know by drinking adequate sea it clear and remove toxin from your body.

My extent & birth control?

Could def. be a UTI. Unfourtunantly I enjoy to turn through those plentifully. So thats a great posibility.

Just linger til you progress to you doc. appt. and brand name sure. Shouldnt be anything to serious!

Good Luck beside your pregnancy!!

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Cloudy urine usually indicates that SOMETHING of unknown cradle is contained by the urine. Most habitually this is pus, blood, or mucus.

You should DEFINITELY see your OB/GYN because kidney ailments within pregnant women are NEVER worthy. Please telephone and get an appointment for as without delay as you can be see.
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