Could anyone give me any feedback on having your tubes banded?

I be considering enjoy my tubes cut and tied and someone told me they can put band on your fallobian tubes and said those band can be taken sour if you ever want to enjoy children. I'm 26 years outmoded and already hold 2 girls. I cannot use birth control. My husband and I don't plan on have anymore children but since we are still young at heart the band sounds better. Is near anyone who can contribute me any feedback in the region of have the band done and their experience beside it and be they competent to hold them removed and conceive?

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There is possibly a better occasion of getting pregnant if you agree on to reverse the banding; however be aware that when tissue touches in such close proximity for such an extended term of time, defect tissue can develop.
In other words, within's a occasion that if they DO remove the band, the tube may stay crimped.
Also, this may be exacerbated by the certainty that while banding is supposed to check out of the tube intact, here is other a destiny of fairly severing the tube, thereby cause blotch tissue.

The flip side of this procedure is that a company will occasionally come sour, and geared up or not, you'll capture pregnant. This is probably THE lowest possible reliable TL method, so weigh your option thoroughly.

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Hello ,
I have my tubes tied .. capably they be clamped.. not sure if thats what u phone call band ? where on earth do u live , i'm surrounded by canada .... But if i needed to go and get my clamps taken bad and hold another child i would know how to ..But to cut and next tie them thats path to much for some 1 ur age... i would lately acquire them clamped .you never know you might only wannt that little one boy some sunshine :) Good luck

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