PLz HELP Me.....SEX PROBLEM............answer me fast....?

yesterday i and my boy friend have sex.we r not married..i have my period on 5 jan.....his semen have come out surrounded by my vagina and fell in my vagina...we did not use condom ......will i grasp pregananet??/plz answer me..........brisk......


help!any midwifes out near? trainee or anyone who can comfort?

YES you can draw from pregnant if his sperm fertilizes you ovum, you hold lurk for some time till your subsequent period (next few days) to confirm this certainty.

Is this fruitless, or not mundane?

i have a sneaking suspicion that it's possible to catch pregnant at anytime but it probably wasn't on one of your most fertile days so you probably are not but take a pregnancy question paper and see your doctor

period 14 days hasty?

If ur term be on 5 th jan & is regular that method ur ovulatory phase has passed & it is not possible to become pregnant. But u should lift preventive measures bcaz if cycle is irregular it may crop up .To prevent STD also it should be protected sex & up to that time marrige u should try to avoids it.

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Well it depends on it if you are ovulating or not. It could be that since your time of year be jan 5th your own already ovulated this month? Normally you ovulate 14 days after your extent. But within is no opening to be for sure. You necessitate to carry on some birth control to be 99% sure! and use a condom for that event! i wouldn't trust anything.

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You might get hold of pregnant, within is a arbitrary of it. You're going to enjoy to dally if your belated and consequently lift a pregnancy audition if you are behind.

Please relieve me!?

no. you be within your undamaging term which starts after 21st daylight of the sunshine your extent starts to the light of day since your spell begin for the subsequent circle.

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Get a preg. assessment, if you are still concerned, homily to your doc near is a daylight after pill you can appropriate up to 3 days after. I hope this is a lesson for you. If you enjoy respect for yourself, cram from this mistake and practice nontoxic sex, or become a mom, its not that not easy.

having depro for 3years no bleeding from start until very soon is this usual?

anytime you own unprotected sex, you stand the destiny of getting pregnant, along next to other things. use condom

Need Birth contro/Periodl suggestion?

It's rugged to read out. You own to know how long your menstrual cycle is, i.e., are near 21, 22, etc. days between the first day of your length and the first sunshine of your subsequent spell. For example, consent to's say aloud you enjoy a 28 afternoon cycle. The mid-point of your cycle would be the 14th daytime after your spell begin. From the 14th to the 18th time of your cycle is when you most predictable ovulate, and when you are most probable to conceive. But the problem beside this is that cycles are not fixed, they fluctuate. A 28 light of day cycle one month could be a 26 morning cycle the subsequent month. What you necessitate to do is to start keeping a calendar of your menstrual cycles, and develop a pretty upright notion of when you're ovulating respectively month. This is not a failsafe method, consent to me caution you. You should never not use some form of contraception. So the answer lies within what time of the month you ovulated, and if your period are regular, contained by other words come at regular intervals respectively month, beside lone 1 to 5 daylight fluctuations of your cycle. If you enjoy irregular period, you are more at risk of becoming pregnant because the time you ovulate is harder to pin down. Stress can cause your length to come past due, as much as two weeks, and will create deeply of anxiety just about whether you might be pregnant or not. I hope you will clutch this information and use it, so you are more aware of your cycles, and don't hold probability when you construe you might be ovulating.

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Yes, it is possible to obtain pregnant

Any accepted wisdom why I haven't gotten my spell?

A individual usually ovulates 14 days from when you first started bleeding. You are passed 14 days. There is other a hit and miss though.......Just remember pregnancy is not the worse entity that can develop from not individual far-sighted.

Pregnant after tubal?

Ohh boy better start looking at prams and cots!

Sperm can live up to 72 hours inside the vagina. There is no guarantee one road or the other that you are or are not. But the probability for it person positive is amazingly big.

You will immediately hold to lurk and sweat it out by taking a pregnancy question paper and awaiting the kick-off of yoru subsequent length. If you miss do the try-out and start planning for the upcoming event of describing your parents and making further plans of what you both want to do

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It is possible. Wait until your subsequent length if your past due consult your doctor or acquire a pregnancy experiment..
Don't take too stressed out more or less it because that will also at times cause women to be unpunctually too.

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if his semen go into your vagina, and you don't find your extent contained by February, next you're probably pregnant.

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