Does anyone have any information on endometrosis?

I enjoy be have stomach pains for the second two months. I go to the doctor and she think that i enjoy endometrosis. I a moment ago would approaching some information and if anyone have this what do i expect within the subsequent few weeks and surrounded by the long term

Personal Question women answerers single plz!?

Early diagnosis and intervention is the knob to coping next to Endo. It is surrounded by incurable, sensitive, potentially devastating disease that can exact chronic dull pain and infertility - but it doesn't hold to be that agency. With hasty treatment by a specialist who can accurately diagnose and meticulously excise adjectives disease from adjectives locations - including bowel, bladder, etc. - return is expected to be unbelievably low. This can adjectives be done via laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgery which is required for an accurate diagnosis.

As a side entry - do *not* consent to anyone place you on Lupron as a litmus assessment to "see" if you enjoy Endo, as to be exact a outstandingly flawed and terribly wrong channel of diagnosing the disease (see and for details).

Also do not further deferment the diagnosis by embark on a course of other hormonal suppressants, contraceptives, etc. etc. or by following a recommended "hang around and see" approach. There is no plea to "skulk and see" what the inflict of a woman's pelvic anguish is. You deserve to enjoy an accurate, precipitate diagnosis and proper treatment.

See the following specialty sites for more info and resources:

Also be sure to read this and use the tools provided:

There is no cure for Endometriosis, but you don't hold to suffer from it needlessly. Get the diagnosis and impressive treatment from someone who does in truth take the disease and who will sustain you be in charge of it successfully for the long permanent status.

Good luck.

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check out these sites for imformation on endometrosis

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Endometriosis is a non-cancerous condition surrounded by which pieces of the endometrium (uterine lining) grow outside your uterus and grip to other pelvic structures, most commonly the ovaries, bowel, fallopian tubes, or bladder. It is a common explanation of pelvic cramp and infertility.

It affects 10 to 15 percent of premenopausal women, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), near the National Institutes of Health estimating that at tiniest 5.5 million women surrounded by North America alone enjoy endometriosis.

Historically thought of as a disease that affects developed women, endometriosis is increasingly anyone diagnosed surrounded by adolescents, as ably.

The most adjectives symptoms are itchy menstrual period and/or pelvic dull pain.

Others include:


Diarrhea and hurting bowel movements, especially during menstruation

Intestinal pain

Painful intercourse

Abdominal tenderness

Severe cramping


Severe menstrual cramps

Excessive menstrual bleeding

Pain in the pelvic region next to exercise

Painful pelvic examinations


Endometrial tissue also may grow in the abdominal nouns or, more seldom, travel far from the pelvic region into the lungs, skin and other regions of the body. No thing where on earth it go, however, endometrial tissue continues to respond to hormonal signals--specifically estrogen--from the ovaries respectively month describing it to grow. Estrogen is the hormone that cause your uterine inside layer to thicken respectively month. When estrogen smooth drops, the facing is expelled from your vagina (you carry your period). But unlike the tissue facing the uterus, which leaves your body during menstruation, endometriosis tissue is trapped in the pelvic cavity. With no place to turn, the tissue bleeds. Your body tries to stop the bleeding through inflammation, a process that can front to the formation of defacement tissue, also call adhesion. This inflammation and the resulting blotch tissue may create anguish and other symptoms.

Recent research also finds that this misplaced endometrial tissue may develop its own bravery supply to communicate beside the brain, one explanation for the condition's severe agony and the other chronic throbbing conditions so frequent women next to endometriosis also suffer from.

The type and intensity of symptoms breadth from completely disabling to mild. Sometimes, at hand aren't any symptoms.

If your endometriosis results within scarring of the reproductive organs, it may affect your talent to win pregnant. In certainty, 35 to50 percent of women beside the condition own endometriosis own difficulty getting pregnant. Even mild endometriosis can result in infertility.

Researchers don't know what cause endometriosis, but masses theories exist. One suggests that retrograde menstruation--or "reverse menstruation"--may be the key make happen. In this condition, menstrual blood doesn't flow out of the cervix (the hole of the uterus to the vagina), but, instead, is pushed towards the back out of the uterus through the fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity.

But because most women experience some amount of retrograde menstruation in need developing endometriosis, researchers believe something else may contribute to its nouns.

For example, endometriosis could be an immune system problem or hormonal inconsistency that enable the endometrial tissue to whip root and grow after it is pushed out of the uterus.

Other researchers believe that contained by some women, in no doubt abdominal cell mistakenly turn into endometrial cell. These same cell are the ones responsible for the growth of a woman's reproductive organs contained by the embryonic stage. It's believed that something in the woman's genetic makeup or something she's exposed to in the environment in following duration change those cell so they turn into endometrial tissue outside the uterus. There's also some thinking that mess up to cell that flash the pelvis from a previous infection can head to endometriosis.

Some studies also show that environmental factor may play a role within the nouns of endometriosis. Toxins in the environment appear to affect reproductive hormones and immune system responses, but this notion have not be proven and is controversial within the medical community.

Other researchers believe the endometrium itself is irregular, which allows the tissue to break away and attach elsewhere surrounded by the body.

Endometriosis may also be a genetic condition, near studies finding a 5 to 7 percent increase in risk if your mother or sister have the disorder. Research also indicates that daughters of women who took the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES) between 1938 and 1971 to prevent miscarriage hold an increased risk of endometriosis.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Endometriosis (sometimes colloquially referred to as endo) is a adjectives medical condition affecting an estimated 89 million women of reproductive age around the world. With endometriosis, tissue resembling that which lines the uterus (the endometrium, from endo, "inside", and metra, "womb") is found outside the womb in other areas of the body. Normally, the endometrium is shed respectively month through menses; however, contained by endometriosis, the misplaced endometrium have no road of departing the body.

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Please find yourself an endo specialist who can thoroughly excise the disease, and cram as much as you can almost it. Endo is commonly misunderstood and outstandingly few doctors are really apposite at dealing near it. There's a couple yahoo groups that can relieve:

for finding a doctor:

for support and info:

Lots of obgyns will submit Lupron (a strong hormonal drug that alters brain chemistry and puts you into chemical menopause) and laser ablation or electrocoagulation or some other method of burning the endo sour - these methods are not as significant as huge excision (cutting out) of the disease. Too plentiful women termination up have repeat surgeries beside little or no nouns - it's crucial that you know what you are getting into since you agree to treatment!

Endo can also be incredibly raw. If you are suffering and your point of enthusiasm is man effect you might want to ask your doctor for a referral to stomach-ache administration. Endo misery is repeatedly undertreated, and here is no apposite drive for that - sometimes doctors freshly don't want to prescribe the indispensable painkillers. If you are in deeply of stomach-ache, keeping a bulletin of your symptoms, the meds you purloin, etc. can give support to when you have a word to your doctor.

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