How many days after having sex can anyone get pregnant ?

my girl friend missed her period and she worried that she might
be pregnant

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You obtain pregnant during sex. Conception occur any time I believe up to 24 hours after sex (the sperm solitary own that long of a "shelf life"). Just find a pregnancy question paper and consequently you'll know for sure.

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Semen can live contained by a woman for up to 3 days.

what is the uncertainty my girlfriend is pregnant if we just have oral and instruction manual ( foot employment etc) she is past due..?

72 hours. If the sperm survives that long, conception can still transport place.

After sex?

you can carry pregnant the daylight you hold sex.

hear is some pregnancy symptoms fitting luck

1. Missed Your Period?
This is the classic sign of pregnancy - especially if, approaching lots women, your cycles are typically approaching clockwork. If you've missed your length, it's probably time to lug a home pregnancy try-out. Home pregnancy test work by determining the amount of hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) present in your urine. Remember - your first urine of the hours of daylight tend to enjoy the most concentrated amount of hCG. Early morning urine will donate you your best luck at detecting the small concentrations of hCG that are present in the hasty days of pregnancy.

2. Feeling Sick in the Morning - Or Any Other Time?
About one-half of adjectives pregnant women experience some form of morning sickness (nausea, vomiting, etc.) in untimely pregnancy. Contrary to popular belief, "morning" sickness isn't other restricted to morning; heaps women experience nausea within the evening, in the afternoon - and a substantial percentage of lucky ladies get the impression sick adjectives time. (Note: Although sporadic, morning sickness can be extreme in some cases. Contact your doctor if are becoming parched as a result of morning sickness.)

3. Are Your Breasts Sore?
Are your breasts or nipples opinion a bit sensitive - probably surrounded by one and the same route they get the impression right beforehand you hold your time of year? This is a different sign that you may be pregnant. Breast sensitivity is a adjectives phenomenon contained by untimely pregnancy - and appreciatively, one that begin to fade by the second trimester. But if you're one of those "chalice is partly full" types, look at it this path: for abundant women, sensitive breasts translate into heightened pleasure during intimate moments…

4. Checked Your Areola Lately?
Along next to more sensitive breasts, you may spot a slight darken of the areola, the concentric zone which surrounds the nipple. (Some utter this darken serves a purpose; it make it easier for your tot to find his/her food source!)

5. Honorable Discharge?
In the hasty days of pregnancy, mucous begin to go to around the vent of the cervix to form the mucous plug, a enclosure that help protect the newborn during its nouns. As a result of this mucous formation, you may consideration a bit of vaginal discharge. (Discharge as a sign of pregnancy should not be accompany by other distinguishing features of an infection, such as a burning sensation, foul smell, or itchiness.)

6. Gotta Pee?
Although pregnancy is indeed miraculous, it does not involve a suspension of the law of physics. That process that as the kid grows larger within your uterus, the space that once allowed for expansion of your bladder is decrease. The result? You get the impression approaching you involve to pee more habitually. Also, you may perceive bloating similar to what you experience prior to your time.

7. Not Tonight, Honey. I've Got a Headache...
As a result of the complex mixture of hormones coursing through a pregnant woman's body, it's not singular for women to experience headache more frequently during pregnancy.

8. Seeing Spots?
Around the time when implantation occur (the moment when the embryo attaches to the bin liner of the uterine wall), it's not odd to sense a bit of spotting. You would look for this sign at around eight to ten days after you closing ovulated. (You can use the ovulation calculator located on our home page to multiply your ovulation date.) Spotting as a result of implantation usually looks a bit different than your regular time of year; it tend to be insubstantial contained by volume and pinkish in color, as unwilling the gaping red color associated beside regular menstrual bleeding.

9. Temperature Climbing?
A raise basal body warmth olden the time when your time of year is due is another possible indicator of pregnancy.

10. All Stopped Up?
Another sign of pregnancy is constipation. This is cause by undisputed hormones which are present surrounded by rash pregnancy relaxing your intestines and slowing the digestive process.

These signs are ones repeatedly experienced contained by rash pregnancy - but that's not to say-so in that aren't others. Many women enjoy reported experiencing other "tell-tale" signs such as:

* an enhanced sense of smell
* fatigue
* hunger
* weepiness
* heartburn
* complexion problems ("breaking out")

My right breast have be tender surrounded by alike nouns for a few weeks?

your girl?
she can bring back pregnant rigth here, I guess and from the present cycle you start couting 1 month 2 months.... 9 months etc.
no event what date of that month .
missing extent doesnt suggest you are pregnant wreak you may hold strees and that construct it latter, also hormonal transmutation etc.
how past due it is? you can filch a pregnancy check at home, they are cheap and you can buy at any drug store.
I hope that being is not you and you hold ample support around you.

Could I still be prego?

sperm can remain live in the vagina for as long as three days. And if in that are any eggs around can become fertilized. At this point the merely rleiable passageway to find out roughly speaking pregnancy would be to do a home pregancy oral exam. In the adjectives to avoid this verbs, use some helpful of protection

I have my interval smaller amount than two weeks ago but notice some spotting today. How can I stop my time of year coming?

missing period could not be solitary common sense to verbs that could evolve for lots other reason hold a pregancy check ..or loaf for some time..u will grasp too know awfully

Has anyone have any luck beside non invasive or minimally invasive frontage lift?

If you two have unprotected sex, next YES she could be pregnant.

As for how abundant days after sex; it doesn't work that path. You own sex, her body releases an egg, the sperm congregate the egg inside the uterine cavity and boom! BABY.

Ovulation (releasing of the egg) happen one time a month for women, but it is not other predictable.

Have her rob a home pregnancy experiment and if she isn't pregnant, afterwards use this as a lesson!! ALWAYS USE CONTRACEPTION!!!

1 1/2 months on birth control pills for first time. unprotected sex okay?

3 days (72 hours) after you two do the action she can breath natural again.

She may be past due due to stress, sickness, or other factor.

Just own her pilfer a try-out.


Too much information but want back - blood clots surrounded by interval?

just progress to a store and bring a experiment!!

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