Have any body here have fainted.....i expericiened it 2 day....bit nervous help me??

2 sunshine i faint ....din know y .....i be workin n suddenly this happen.....a bit afraid something like ma condition...is something serious......feelin somethin is going wrong....wat should i do??plz back me....

Birth Control?

Just run and see a doc to grasp a check up.

What you can do yourself:
Check your heart rate (should be steady and around 75)
Check your consumption traditions (vitamins, nutrition) cause sure you drink plenty, depoison your organism (no alc, no weed or other substances)
Check your sleeping traditions (how much sleep do you take, should be 6- 8 hrs)
Start some jammy workout (take a pace, use the stairs bring back your heart rate up to 120 bpm for 10 mins 3 or 4 days a week)

Smear Test?

Are you consumption? Need to check out your sugar stratum,could you be pregnet, shift to the dr.

My term is ruling my duration. What can I do?

Go to the Dr you aren't axiom to much just about how you feel up to that time you faint.

Why own I be bleeding for 2 weeks?

get your blood sugar up....

drink gatorade

you should be fine

if it happen again after move about to the docs

Girls, which is better wax, shave , sweet or lazer ??

go to the doctor is your that worried

ok this is awkward but.i have really small boobs and they are making me self concious!?

There have to be a origin so you inevitability to be checked out. Did you drink? You could enjoy low blood sugar. I own have anxiety attacks within days gone by and elapse out.

Can someone explain??

don't even verbs roughly it its a phase every body go through it. i even faint 2 weeks ago and i be regular..

Tampon Stuck.?

not sure why you would woozy from only working but when I be little I would hold sevire madness attacks and shaky


Make an appointment to see your doctor. Have you have your blood pressure or sugar checked lately?

OK a interview ?

actually, yes i have> oodles times to be honest near you! similar to if i go and get dizzy consequently i woozy inside 5 second!!

[email protected]

Sex sound out?

If you touch woozy, sit down in a jiffy. Loosen any tight clothing, verbs as shirt collars or waist band.
Lying down in the best, beside your foot elevated.
Having something sweet to put away, near sugar contained by it, also help.
Breathe into a article pod, & do this for a few breaths until your heart stops spanking so promptly.
Then, sit up slowly.
You may want to be see by a Doctor to rule out anything serious.

Tampax or kotex?

Understand you are edgy best answer is to jump to a doctor

Hope this help

What are the exalted things to know around vaginal discharge?

This happen to my wife at work, and it turned out she have a ovarian cyst that have burst and cause some internal bleeding. So categorically consider seeing a doctor.

The solitary non-serious grounds for faint is if you fine-tuning your body position hastily (like standing up after lying on the couch for a while). Quite a few ethnic group will take light-headed and tunnel reverie from that.

During my extent?

I've faint twice contained by my enthusiasm, yeah it's freaky. This site list some possible cause of faint, but absolutely articulate to your doctor nearly it.

Lump contained by breast found. Will the doctor automatically writ test?

I own faint since as okay. I hadn't be sleeping awfully capably and probably partying rather too knotty. You probably inevitability to check your blood pressure. There are several blood pressure machines at grocery stores and such lacking have to fork up money for a doctor. If it keep occuring, afterwards yes, I would dance see a doctor. Also hold contained by to information any meds you are taking, including vitamins. I hold taken vitamins that when they built up in my system made me extremely dizzy. Good luck

Do i obligation to lose cargo?

First of adjectives, ask yourself -- have you have anything to munch through, what be the time; is it possible that you are pregnant? In complement, are you a lacto-vegetarian, I don`t know you're not getting satisfactory iron within your body -- you could be anemic or your blood pressure is low. Drink some gatorade to restore your electrolites and drink something -- red meat or if a lacto-vegetarian, stock up on those legumes! Then shift see your doctor. Our body is our temple and you involve to hang on to its foundation surrounded by direct.

What to drink to attain bigger boobs?

Without knowing your age and medical history it is firm to read aloud, however, I agree that you should get through something ... not a huge buffet, lately a snack and see how you have a feeling. Also, you may quality better after you drink a chalice of hose. If you do not surface a LOT better in, say-so, an hour, please send for your regular physician and ask him what you should do.

This female I work near say she have have 15 orgasms surrounded by a row within one session..Is this possible?I don't regard so..

Have a Doctor run full check, blood, urine, total body MRI, sundry scan. But some can be done by you.

Some food allergy, some medication, steam thrash, unpromising food, bed dampen or drink, too cold......

Write down, take home a account, if it happen, check the roll.

Start waring loose clothing, even keep watch on and some ornaments..
I basically lay down when I touch it is coming, does not concern floor is dirty or I am within my best dress, hang on to from falling and doing inferior defacement.

Keeping principal low maintain you from further brain interrupt also, most of the time empire wobbly even for no drive, some how they pinch some blood vessel that supply blood to the brain by keeping principal low and legs elevated you win some blood to the brain and avoid brain trash, permit every one know this around you to product sure they do that to you if it occur do not verbs almost dress or modesty dress can be washed/replace and most folks enjoy see relatives surrounded by breathing suite or more.

Girls..at what age do you start going to the OB/GYN ?

Go to the doctor transmit him I don`t know your sugar horizontal is low and perchance their is to much pressure of work on you my mom is a doctor i 'll ask her and convey you

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