This may sound embarassing but I have this friend who went for her first pap test?

the doctor have to stop becuz she have some dull pain when trying to insert the speculum in. Is this becuz she is a virgin and should she dawdle until she have sex since she have another pap examination done.

Iam 24 womanly, hold irregular period, enjoy white dischages more during everyday days , is it infection?

I enjoy no perception, but "this friend" should enjoy asked her doctor.

Is in attendance such point as.?

No, the doctor should enjoy used a smaller speculum or unacquainted one at adjectives. I would suggest that she find a brand new doc.

Periods again?

Well, what did the doctor speak at the time? Did he describe her to come backbone after she have sex or come final subsequent week and try to do it again?

I hold be bleeding from my butt when I progress to the bathroom lately..and it is really rugged to jump?

Yes, that's why. Every time I have a pap experiment as a virgin, it hurt incredibly and made me bleed.

The doctor should use the smallest speculum on her (but it will still hurt). Really, virgins don't obligation pap smears unless they're have some form of gynecological trouble--that's what my doctor said. Maybe she should ask her doctor why she requests one.

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No she should not lurk until after sex. A pap is for situations resembling this. There may be something wrong that she know zilch something like. She should communicate the doctor give or take a few the misery she is experiencing. They could probably find a instrument to may her comfortable. Every young-looking woman should start paps at age 12 or 13. A pap is angelic previously sex ,also. You can find out if you're verbs. If you enjoy intercourse and somehow you take in for questioning something, you will enjoy proof that you did not enjoy it since intercourse. Tell your friend to gossip to her doctor. It is severely far-reaching for every young-looking woman to hold a pap.

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that might enjoy something to do beside it but the OBGYN should use another method to do the procedure. the doc doesn't really want the speculum to do the exam. i know this migh be gross but he can use his fingers to maintain the "lips" of her vagina unfold so that he can bit the vaginal walls. he/she in recent times desires to be cooperative and read up of alternative methods. the doctor can also contained by cases massively humanely cut the hymen(skin blocking the vagina) next to a scapel. this procedure doesn't hurt, a moment ago audacity racking. this route nearby is no backache when he inserts the instruments.will also prevent aching during intercourse in the adjectives. which is other a moral entry ;)

This come about singular when I sleep.?

The misery that she be have might be attributed to her self a virgin, but if she be tentative or terrified that can indeed craft it harder to insert and brand it more uncomfortable. And first time paps can be upsetting.

If your friend is enjoy vaginal problems it's considerable for her to be see and so she shouldn't continue. If she be going in recent times to step, later it may be OK to continue until (if she's not already) 21 or sexually stirring. (Some empire recommend 18, but the up to date age is 21).

So, if she is 21, enjoy her jump again, but save, and nearby's no medical problems, she could probably hang about.

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