Can antibiotics cause thrush?

I am 32 weeks pregnant and own be on antibiotics as I have a cervical infection. I started on IV antibiotics and in a minute out of hospital I am on Oral ones. However since disappearing hospital i've found I own thrush. NOT oral. Is this cause by the medication i'm taking? and can i use ordinary treatment to seize rid of it while i'm pregnant?

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Yes antibiotics destroy r pious microbes as ably as the bleak. U can gain thrush, yeast infections(basically similar) some associates even attain poorly, such as colds etc. Whenever U R on antibiotics put away yogurt next to involved cultures, I devour it everyday and never acquire a yeast infection. U should guzzle 2 small containers a light of day at smallest, U can catch them within great flavors, a short time ago build sure U read and it states moving cultures. The yogurt short is useless. Also telephone your Doctor, he or she will make a contribution U something, since U R pregnant U must pay attention, thats why I would not recommend any over the counter remedies. I am sure your Dr. will also explain that hormone discrepancy cause thrush, yeast infections etc. etc. As capably as stress so call for ur Dr. pilfer the yogurt use whats perscriped and rest rest rest! U and your newborn will be fine, bless you both!

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Yes it can be cause by an antibiotic. I don't know how to treat non-mouth thrush. I know the doctor can confer you a prescription rub. My son have oral thrush as a little one and the prescription didn't work, so we usedVenitian Violet and it cleared right up. You can bring back it at a pharmacy, but don't know how you would apply it non-orally. We merely brushed some on his tounge and inside his cheeks.

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Thrush IS oral. Yes, antibiotics raison d`??tre thrush. So do inhalers and steroids. Call your doctor for treatment.

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Are you sure you be going to thrush?
Thrush (oropharyngeal candidiasis, or OPC) is a yeast infection that develops in the mouth and throat and on the tongue.
Yes, antibiotics can motive a yeast infection.
Always drink yogurt or bear probiotics while taking antibiotics.

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Antibiotics don't necessarily mete out a yeast infection (thrush is a fungal - yeast infection), but by suppressing the raw germs surrounded by our systems, the yeast explicitly already at hand can win and pilfer over.

Ask your doctor just about when it would be advisable to drink cultured yogurt as one channel to give a hand build backbone the average match of critters.

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I`m sorry I hold no answer for your grill but I also have that (I didnot know I have it). What happen I give birth to my son and he have Thrush out loud so afterwards he have to be put on meds.

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after every antibiotic prescription its best to guzzle lots of yougart as probiotics and prevent yeast infection ....and you enjoy seriously of yummy inspection very soon too...

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