In period time sex is hearmful for a female?whats the result of this?

Please clear my doubt..

Will a girl take pregnat by getting fingered?

It is not destructive but it can be messy. Use a condom, even if you usually don't to minimise some of the mess and probably lay some towels on the sheets. It is unusual for a woman to capture pregnant at this time also. Having sex while she have her length can also relieve some of the stomach-ache if she have unpromising cramps.

Lose 10lbs surrounded by 2 weeks?

It's not deleterious.. simply really yucky.

Could i be pregnant if i am on the pill, missed a dose, took it the subsequent daytime, consequently get my length the subsequent sunshine?

No, it is mostly not insalubrious. In reality, oodles doctors support their womanly patients to HAVE sex during menstruation. Your likelihood of getting pregnant are minuscule (although it CAN happen) and repeated orgasms can oblige alleviate cramps. If your lover doesn't baulk, stir for it.

Just have sex for the first time and.?

Its not adverse. It would basically be a bloody messs!

Help me near some direction please?

Barring any religious or cultural restrictions, here is constrained damage.
Some research indicates it may even be beneficial against pelvic torment and cramping associated near menses [Gynecol Obstet Invest 2002;54(2):64-5 (ISSN: 0378-7346].

There are some minor, restricted physical risks, however, including the potential for contracting Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Use of a condom is recommended to lower that risk. Also, if sexual intercourse during menses does not head to orgasm for the woman, pelvic congestion may be increased, thereby increasing the dysmenorrhea a woman experiences. There are also some reports that the amusement will increase the risk of Endometriosis (not to be confused next to PID/endometritis).

The advantages, otherwise, are that pregnancy is far smaller amount probable (but still possible!) to go on; orgasm may significantly reduction the amount of dysmenorrhea a woman experiences (as outlined in the study referenced above); and here are smaller number days of thriftiness within the monthly cycle [Arch Sex Behav. 2003 Apr;32(2):155-63; Contracept Technol Update. 1981 Dec;2(12):167; J. Reprod. Med., 1989, vol. 34, no11, pp. 887-890 (17 ref.].

It is the nouns of the couple that will dictate such distraction and not an actual physical shortening. Hope that help.

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