Suggestions for a good bc pill for someone w/ a history of migraines?

If you are a migraine sufferer, enjoy you found any expert pill that cause a smaller amount migraines? I'm unfold to suggestions as I'll be consulting w/ my doctor soon.


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I also suffer from migraines, so I know how you be aware of. Try Mircette (aka Kariva). It is a birth control pill set to lend a hand near migraine headache. It is also particularly affordable compared to other brands. A lot of girls (and their doctors) that I worked near preferred Mircette due to its low incidence of side effects, skill to regulate the menstrual cycle, and means to decline the event of migraines.

I hope you find a pill that help!!

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i capture migraines adjectives the time its genetic contained by my fam, usually advil works for me , tylenol and all tha other crap dont do ne article

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Excederin works great for migrains... It is a lil expensive, but remember that you bring what you pay packet for! :) Hope this help.

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Consult near your doctor! He/she can comfort you so much.

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does it enjoy to be a pill? you might be better stale beside the ring, the shot or an iud. but pill erudite, i'd suggest something similar to seasonale.

Breakthrough Bleeding?

I use Zovia 1/35E-28 birth control from Watson Labs. I used to own horrible migranes when I be younger, they appear to own gone away. I don't know if it's because of the BC pills or not, but I haven't have a migrane within in the region of a year in a minute.

For those of you using nuvaring?

I am a migraine sufferer and no bc pill worked for me so my doctor prescribed IUD. It is safe and sound, doesn't rationale migraines, and convenient. The just downsize is brawny bleeding - no cramping in my valise. Hope your doctor finds another alternative for you. You may want to try the bc pills first and see which one works. If zilch else, your doctor will push for you on the best bc alternative. Good luck!

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I hold a history of severe migraines, including faint, as powerfully as calamitous cramping. Many stronger BC pills made migraines worse and also give me depression, but presently I'm taking TriNessa -- which is a brand of Ortho Tri-Cyclen -- and not one and only does it exterminate cramping and depression, but also seem to not own any effect relating to my migraines. However, adjectives women are different and require different meds for alike issues. Talk to your gyno and together numeral out which pill (or other method) will work best for you. You may enjoy to try a one for a few months, and if it doesn't work you can adjust dosage or pill type from here. Good luck!

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