I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. what are the chanes its wrong?

Also i dont know when to experiment since i havent have a term contained by 4 years. and yes i own see numerous doctors. I newly surface sick and my stomach hurts and is Bigger!

what can i do to prevent darkness sweats cause by menopause?

False refusal reading can come to pass when trialling is done too hasty. Quantitative blood test and the most sensitive urine test usually detect hCG shortly after implantation, which can take place anywhere from 6 to 12 days after ovulation. Beta hCG level rise exponentially within the first two months or so of pregnancy so the closer the tryout is perform, the difficult the casual of a false cynical result. Less sensitive urine test and qualitative blood test may not detect pregnancy until three or four days after implantation. Menstruation (Which doesn't apply to you, apparently.) occur on average 14 days after ovulation, so the possibility of a false unenthusiastic is low once a menstrual spell is belated.

Why is my menstrual cycle behind time?

go 2 the doc 2 see u cnat b pregnate beside no peroid sorry!

REPOST FROM LASTNIGHT:Surrogacy or egg donation? anyone own any information on this? im completely interested.?

dont know

Late interval when would you ring up your MD?

go see your doctor. you could b pg but not promising since you say aloud you haven't have a time of year contained by 4 yrs. or did you propose Months ? any opening run see your doctor if you really consider your pg afterwards ask your doc for a blood pg audition not urine.

Belly Button Discomfort! HELP!?

Pregnancy experiment don't work in good health for some women. It is best to step to the doctor and hold a blood exam. It is possible to hold a false refusal if you are one of these women (I know from experience) If you see the doctor and the blood experiment for pregnancy comes posterior gloomy they can investigate further to find the problem.

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