Late period... when would you call your MD?

I am 2 1/2 weeks deferred, but pregnancy test hold come up distrustful. How long would you hang around earlier seeing your MD? (There is with the sole purpose a amazingly small occasion that I would be pregnant anyway since we own be using protection.)

promethazine/phenergen anti vomiting/nasuea can i transport when pregnet???

Protection doesn't other equal clearance of pregnancy. However, I would filch into commentary how regular your cycles are. If you are the type to be exact never deferred I would probably turn to the doctor...if you are the type that your cycles aren't other when they should be after I wouldn't stress too much since the the test are coming up denial. I find that when you stress too much it take longer to come. If you progress a month minus it scheduled I would travel to the doctor.

What You Think? Missed Period?

The more you stress something like it not coming, the longer it will thieve for it to come! Easier said than done, but in recent times try to relax. If you don't procure it within another week or so, I would probably contact my physician.

Best of luck!

I get a Faint Negative row [grey] what does this have it in mind ?

If you own no symptoms of pregnancy after it is impeccably not detrimental to dawdle 2-3months formerly going to the dr. Majority of the time your interval will come contained by a month or 2.

Hot Flushes- Does anyone hold hot flushes which closing adjectives morning long?

wait give or take a few 3-5 weeks

I involve another insurance and to medicare please abet beside thinking or info?

There is a possibility that you are stressed or experiencing hormone problems. If you are not concerned, and you enjoy be doing the pregnancy test correctly, I would skulk. You can other ask your doctor for a physical and bring back some blood work done. If your serum pregnancy (the type to be exact done near blood) turns out unenthusiastic, they may want you to try taking the pill to regulate your cycle. Best of Luck!

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