My tummy has been feeling crampy the last few days but...?

but my time of the month isnt for a week? what is wrong?

What is your belief on circumcision?

It could of late be that your spell will be precipitate or I don`t know you've strained a muscle or something. Actually our wombs expand and contract continuously throughout our lives it's a short time ago mostly we can't consistency it. Sometimes it's more noticable approaching during a spell or during pregnancy but could be your are only just a bit more sensitive this month. Unless it is cause you serious discomfort or concern you'd probably be clever to skulk and see if your time of year arrives as run of the mill. If it does and the problem go away I wouldn't verbs, except, want medical warning.

Itchy Breast.. what could it be?

well if you are sexually moving you could be pregnant. that happen to me when i be pregnat near my son. or you could hold a cyst on one of your ovaries.

SOmething Wrong!?

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