I have an overian cyst and i am in imense pain. what should i do? Doctors say that it's normal??


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Great answers so far, small codicil...ovarian cystes are related too glorious level of estrogen or xeno estrogen. Increasing your progesterone which counter act estrogen contained by the womanly body will relieve. Avoid HRT and depo provera and be carefull beside birth control pills. For the twinge use Soothex and EFT exciting Freedom technique. Courage my dear...at hand are answers....

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I've have those too. If you've have it checked out by a doctor and they don't expect it requirements surgery, the one and only point you can do is skulk it out. I usually don't thieve headache meds because I'm so green about the gills from the aching that I'd be afraid of throwing up any pill I'd try to swallow. The honest communication is that the anguish is usually short-lived. Try to distract yourself---put contained by a movie or read a appropriate book.

Is this doomed to failure, or not usual?

I have ovarian cyst and the will burst on in that own. If the cyst is really big the dr will remove them but if they are small all you own to do is purloin ibuprofen for the discomfort and possibly a heat wad. You will be contained by more anguish when you ovulate and procure your time of year. SORRY

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Hi, I have an ovarian cyst 10 years ago. I get it removed. It be the size of an red. I never feel discomfort, it be discover surrounded by a physical exam beside ultrasound.
Have they put you on the pill? Sometimes they put you on the pill to see if they dissapear.
Ask your doctor for that possibility

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If this cyst is cause you considerable distress you should consult your Dr. They can be removed near little fanfare at the moment. It's not worth messing up your element of natural life, when nearby is treatment available. If your Dr. can't help out you...find another one!

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ok poly cystic ovaries is adjectives for over consignment women. this is because they enjoy probably some masculine hormones. if u are over freight u will stipulation to lose freight, i suggest u consult a gyno and an endocronologist

accurate luck

squirting womanly orgasm?

2 of my bestest online friends own this problem too (they seem to be to grasp magnetically drawn towards me, as I also once have a 3rd friend next to this condition)............ and it's pretty everyday to be within misery.... a bleeding heavily.... and have Iron deficiancy because of it.
Here's one of them's story (as put nearby herself) on the Obgyn.web PCOS quilt: http://www.obgyn.net/cfm/pcos.story.popu...

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