Dehydration..yes or no.?

I don't really know what's going on beside me, but occasionally i'll start to consistency oil lamp head i take really confused...and i'll of late crash to the ground and go beyond out. and it feel close to i lay within forever but its solely approaching a second...and i'll freshly wake up up adjectives disorianted and i don't know what's going on. and one time it happen and i lost my eyesight for resembling a minute...everything go white and i couldn't see. doooes anyone know anything more or less this?

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Possibly low blood sugar. Could be untimely signs of diabetes.

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Sounds similar to low blood sugar or pressure. If at home, try consumption toast beside honey on it or fetch some fruit jubes (lollies) around near you.

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Could be a few things. You obligation to bring back within to the doctor and hold some blood-work done. They should be checking for diabetes, thyroid, hypoglycemia. These can also be signs of a heart condition so gain a baseline EKG. Dehydration can also end in these conditions but dehydration isn't a harassing condition, unless obviously you continuously put yourself in that situation... if that is to say the suitcase.. stop it.

bIRth CONtROl???

I don't give attention to it is dehydration it is strong to utter since you haven't told us how much hose down you drink in a sunshine.

It could be related to various things such as your blood sugar even could drop to suddenly or you might own madness attacks.

Speak to your doctor going on for it and bring it checked out as it could be serious.

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Sound similar to low blood sugar to me too. I hold hypoglycemia witch is a type of low blood sugar related entity. I used to hold like peas in a pod problem when I be contained by my teens but I grow out of it. I still own to monitor my diet but its not a enthusiasm altering item. You should really dance to a doctor and bring checked out so you can get hold of it lower than control rash since it get extensive. Keep within mind that if its low blood sugar they may not see it the first time they check you. If you get the impression any doubt ask your doctor for a follow up surrounded by a week to be rechecked.

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