Miscarriage from Turner Syndrome?

I have a miscarriage and found out the little one have Turner Syndrome. Does anyone enjoy experience beside this and also I am not sure if my husband and I should be tested for genetic problems? I read it happen sparadically but I am panicky something like trying to concieve again.

I am have a breast raise and wondering how discouraging the scarring is and if it go away completely.?

1. What is Turner syndrome?

Turner syndrome is a chromosomal condition that exclusively affects girls and women. It occur when one of the two X chromosomes generally found surrounded by females is missing or incomplete. The syndrome is name after Dr. Henry Turner, who be among the first to describe its features contained by the 1930's.

2. What cause Turner syndrome?

Turner syndrome is cause by the complete or partial skiving of one of the two X chromosomes in general found surrounded by women.

3. How is Turner syndrome diagnosed?

A blood assessment, call a karyotype, analyzes the chromosomal composition of the individual. This is the most commonly used blood trial to diagnose Turner syndrome.

4. Does any one entry basis Turner syndrome?

No. Turner syndrome is not associated near any environmental or any other factor mostly associated beside genetic problems. Despite various hard work, no tangible cause hold be found to be connected to this condition. It appears to be a unselective event that can come up to anyone.

5. What are the most adjectives characteristics of Turner syndrome?

The most adjectives characteristics of Turner syndrome include short stature and withdrawal of ovarian nouns. A number of other physical features, such as webbed d??colletage, arms that turn out slightly at the elbow, and a low hairline in the subsidise of the principal are sometimes see contained by Turner syndrome patients. Individuals beside Turner syndrome are also prone to cardiovascular problems, kidney and thyroid problems, skeletal disorders such as scoliosis (curvature of the spine) or dislocated hips, and audible range and ear disturbances.

6. What can be done?

As a chromosomal condition, nearby is no "cure" for Turner syndrome. However much can be done to minimize the symptoms. For example:

Growth hormone, any alone or near a low dose of androgen, will modernize growth velocity and probably final fully developed point. Growth hormone is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment of Turner syndrome and is covered by lots insurance plans.

Estrogen replacement treatment have be used since the condition be described within 1938 to promote nouns of inferior sexual characteristics. Estrogens are also impressive for maintain apt tissue and bone integrity.

Modern reproductive technology enjoy also be used to minister to women near Turner syndrome become pregnant if they desire. For example, a donor egg can be used to create an embryo, which is carried by the Turner syndrome woman.

7. Are in that other problems associated near have Turner syndrome?

Sometimes. Heart problems, kidney problems or thyroid problems are the most frequent vigour problems that can go down. While they are usually not too serious, they do require well-mannered consistent medical meticulousness and government by a qualified sub-specialist. Not everyone have every problem associated next to this condition.

8. How recurrently does Turner syndrome materialize?

Turner syndrome is among the most adjectives chromosomal abnormality, occurring in roughly 1 out of 2500 live womanly births. Approximately 60,000 girls and women are artificial surrounded by the United States, beside approximately 800 foreign cases human being diagnosed respectively year.

9. What is the duration expectancy of a woman beside Turner syndrome?

There is not much information available on this issue. It is currently believed that near regular, competent medical caution, a woman beside Turner syndrome can head a full, productive go.

10. Are Turner syndrome women mentally retarded?

No. There is no nouns between Turner syndrome and mental retardation. There may be some differences surrounded by study style that spawn voiced research come more slickly and math or spatial problems more difficult. Despite these challenge, women near Turner syndrome can head productive successful lives surrounded by various different types of career.

11. When be Turner syndrome identified?

Dr. Henry Turner, an internist from the University of Oklahoma, first identified a set of adjectives physical features contained by seven of his patients within an article published surrounded by 1938. The chromosomal less that very soon define Turner syndrome wasn't discovered until 1959, when the technology to act karyotypes become available.

12. Where can I procure more information?

The Turner Syndrome Society - United States have more complete information available beneath "Publications Available." You can also contact us at:

Turner Syndrome Society
14450 T.C. Jester, Suite 260
Houston, TX 77014, USA




[email protected]

TURNER SYNDROME SOCIETY 14450 TC Jester, Suite 260, Houston TX 77014
Toll Free 800-365-9944; P: 832-249-9988; F: 832-249-9987
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HEY everybody i involve your facilitate!?

Sorry to hear in the order of your loss. Turner syndrome is not usually adjectives, so have have one pregnancy finish because of it does not construct you any more probable to hold your subsequent pregnancy be a Turner girl... and as you would expect, if you conceive a boy, the probability of him getting Turner syndrome are nothing. I don't believe that genetic conducting tests for you or your husband is requisite unless your doctor recommend it. You can, obviously, aim out a second inference if you are concerned.

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