Help! What is wrong with me?

I am a week unpaid for my time of year. I don't enjoy without blemish regular cycles, but they usually tend to be around 33-35 days. Today is day 42. My end cycle started December 8. I'm almost 100% positive that I'm not pregnant. I've taken 16 hpts (I know, it's deeply, I'm paranoid) including one this morning. I've gotten a doctor's urine interview and a blood check when I be four days deferred. Everything have come posterior refusal. And if I be pregnant, I would enjoy conceived on December 18 which should own be long earlier I ovulated. But I'm have adjectives sorts of unexpected symptoms. Lightheadedness, slight breast discomfort (which I do attain since my term, but it hasn't come yet), pallid cramping, bulk gain, nausea, etc. I also hold a burning misery sometimes right inside my vanished hip bone. The doctor said that I might own an ovarian cyst or PCOS. That seem so strange though, because I don't usually own leading vigour issues. Why is my time of year so tardy? What is wrong next to me?

How long after childbirth.?

Relax... adjectives is ok.

If you don't start contained by a couple of days jump vertebrae to Dr.

As you receive elder you won't own period freshly similar to clockwork resembling when you are a teen, and several never own exact period from mo to mo. There are hormonal irregularities that can formulate you in arrears, precipitate, skip, flood etc. Just relax.

Of course you could be preg. but have a heart attack isn't going to money that so relax. Take a nice long bearing and breath.

All is fine. You will any, start, be preg., hold cyst, or anything, but adjectives will be fine. And even better when you aren't stressed to the max. approaching your sagging is tomorrow. It isn't!

Sure unforced for me to voice....but please try. You will have a feeling better if you only relax, and sometimes you start when you relax.

Very best.

Whats wrong beside me?

Getting so worked up one and only aggravates the situation. Believe it or not, your mental state influences your menstrual cycle. I've notice that every time I've freaked out because my time have be slow, I've lone made it worse by going crazy and getting pregnancy test and obssessing over it. You entail to relax and dally a few more days; if it doesn't come, step to your gynecologist.

Why do females own this?

STRESS will with the sole purpose kind it worse you probabley aren't pregnant merely have a postponed interval you may skip it adjectives together a cyst is amazingly adjectives and pretty undemanding to carry rid of.

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