Homework Question on oviduct, uterus and hormones!?

Our science tutor give everyone a work sheet for homework. please assistance me!

1. Oviduct: this is a tube, along which the______ (a) travels from the _____(b) to the _____(c).

2. Uterus: This is a strong, f_____ (d), m_____ (e) pouch, next to an inner pool liner richly supplied beside _____ (f) ______ (g). It is where on earth the fertilised egg will be i_____(h) after be held while it is g____ (i)as it forms a _____ (j).

3. Female hormones: These are special proteins, produced by the o_____(k). An example is Oe_____(l) which produces the lesser sex characteristics similar to *_____, *_____, *_____.


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1. Oviduct: this is a tube, along which the ovum (a) travels from the ovary(b) to the uterus(c).

2. Uterus: This is a strong, fibro (d), muscular(e) pouch, near an inner bin liner richly supplied near cheek fibers (g). It is where on earth the fertilised egg will be implanted(h) afterwards be held while it is growing (i)as it forms a fetus (j).

3. Female hormones: These are special proteins, produced by the ovary(k). An example is Oestrogen(l) which produces the lower sex characteristics approaching tresses, breast nouns, and endometrial maturation

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Do your own homework!!

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I don't relief individuals to cheat themselves by doing their homework for them. Shame on you for even asking.

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